If I dissassociate here, would my JW family who lives 3,000 miles away find out? I would not tell them. I have no family here. Would this congregation contact my old congregation 3,000 miles away with news of my dissassociation? What is the blabbermouth policy regarding the spreading of announcements from one congregation to another?
If I dissassociate 3,000 miles away from my JW family...
by White Dove 6 Replies latest jw friends
White Dove
Oh, and no one here even knows my family. They are total strangers from one another. It seems like the perfect situation, but I'm warry of the others finding out.
Does this congregation know you have family 3k miles away?
I'm not sure how extensively congregations share info...I know it's on a local basis, that's all I've seen.
There is the possibility that your family might write to the congregation in your area to see how you are doing. Or they might send your address to Bethel and ask the nearest congregation to call on you. If that is the congregation you disassociate from............
Also, any congregation you da from will send an official form to Bethel as to your status.
As long as your family knows your address, there is always a chance they will get in contact with that congregation.
White Dove
Thank you for your info. I guess I am better off fading, doing what I want, and hoping I don't get caught. It's like I'm doing something illegal. I feel like a criminal: celebrating the holidays, smoking once in a while for the flavor of it, associating with "worldly" people. I am thinking of just fading until my grandparents die then going "public" with it. I don't want to hurt them.
I am thinking of just fading until my grandparents die then going "public" with it. I don't want to hurt them.
That sounds like a plan. Before we discard the first, I wanted to ask the same thing. If the
current congregation doesn't know the exact address of your family or their congregation, they
most definitely wouldn't notify them, I would say. I doubt they would ask you, and "Mother" doesn't keep
records like that. Somebody would have to tell them how to find your family. If they did know
where they are, the odds are that they will call or write them.A compromise- JUST STOP GOING TO THE HALL. You were ready to DA if your family didn't
find out, so don't DA yet. Let the elders chase you down, then just say you were depressed and
working overtime or were relaxing. Let them think you are weak, so what? Then if the fade is totally
successful, you don't need to DA years later when the grandparents pass away, but you can if you
want to. -
Why do you need to DA? If you're trying to make a point to the elders, give it up, they don't care. If you just want them to leave you alone, quit the meetings and don't make contact with them again. Then, be happy if they don't chase you down, or if they do, you're depressed but you're very grateful for their concern and you'll keep praying until you work it out.