I'm having a hard time figuring out if I should DA or continue to fade. I am doing a lot of the things they could DF me for and kind of want to beat them to the punch and quit looking over my shoulder, but I'm afraid that if I DA, my grandparents will find out. They live in a different state.
Why choose DA instead of fade?
by White Dove 3 Replies latest jw friends
I would just go about your business and not worry about it. If you get a call for a "talk" don't go. If they DF you or you DA, the announcenment now is all the same, that you are no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses. If you separate yourself from them and have no family or close friends still involved, a successful fade is very possible.
It is hard to fade and openly do things you could be df'd for. If you want to keep contact with JW relatives it is also hard to do that if you da yourself. Some JW relatives will not shun you but only if they are sure no other JWs will find out that they are.
I have faded but I have no contact with JW relatives and have no desire to do so. I do few things openly that I could be df'd for. I have desire to toss my pearls of wisdom towards swine JWs.
Each person is different. Some fade which gives them time to prepare for da'ing. I believe in printing your views in the local newspaper rather than sending a 10 to 20 page letter to the elders who won't read it.
Wow! This is weird, White Dove. I just posted the exact same topic.