It seems to me that a large majority of jw's believe that this is God's organization because they read all those experiences that are related in the Watchtower mags and in the yearbooks, and then conclude that those could not have taken place without divine intervention. Not to mention all of the experiences that are related at assembly programs and district conventions. Are the experiences true? Some of the ones that I have read and heard over the years are down right remarkable! If they are true, doesn't that give validity to the WT claim that God is with them? It is easy to lean toward the assumption that many of these experiences are embellishments and/or outright lies....but what if they are not?
P.S.- I am not pro WT...I have personally experienced the harm that this organization has caused. That withstanding, anyone care to give their take on this?
Truth.......Embellishments......or Lies???
by enlightenedcynic 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
We had a thread on this subject awhile ago..Alot of us had first hand knowledge,alot of the experiences at assemblys were embelished,or facts were purposely left out...OUTLAW
The Dragon
Anytime people are convinced to ignore other information pertaining to a decision they are getting ready to make...they are being fooled into thinking they are free and making an informed decision..when really they are not.
The CIA makes the presidents decisions...when they brief him and provide intelligence to him....He acts on their findings and advice unless it interferes with his own adgenda and plans. He has to..He does not hear any other information..but theirs.
Is a guess presented as a fact a lie?
We had a thread on this subject awhile ago..Alot of us had first hand knowledge,alot of the experiences at assemblies were embelished,or facts were purposely left out...OUTLAW
I was part of a experiences part at a D.C. It was a script and nothing to do with us personally.I was a little bothered but was told that it had happened "someware" and the story needed to be told.
Enlighten- anyone who relies on such things as "proof" are merely church-goers. I'm a JW who HATES ASSemblies, because there are no more speakers- just readers, reading the generic "Benefit More Fully" talks from HQ. However, the experiences I've always enjoyed- because we are an honest people. I've known many that gave their experiences- and know of nothing left out- or encouraged to leave out.
The experiences are just to encourage; to show that a LOT of good can be accomplished- if you just TRY!
Sorry to hear you were harmed somehow!
the Mad JW
Many religions make claims to extraordinary happenings...Nothing new there. Yes it is all lies to keep the gulible in the fold.