"inFORMAL" survey...for news coverage

by JimWood 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimWood

    I wish to conduct an "inFORMAL" survey.

    Who here would like to see, if possible, a news story by a somewhat national news firm? Specifically dealing with individuals constitutional rights (i.e. which comes first, the rights of the church or the rights of the person). Sorry I must remain vague on the who’s’, what’s’ and when’s’. I hope to show that there is a large body of interest out there and that a story along these lines would "sell".

    So please post a quick comment if you would watch something on this subject, even a single word of acknowledgement. I plan on giving this as a link to a friend, so your participation is important.

    Additionally if any of you are currently involved in any other discussion boards please feel free to ask a similar question and put a link here to the question. The more the merrier.

    Thanks to all for you help.



  • sir82

    I'd watch...

    ...but then again, polling an ex-JW message board isn't exactly a "random sample" either, so I'm not sure how impressive your results will be to this "somewhat national news firm".

  • JimWood

    Statistically it will be skewed I agree, so peace on that point.

    If you compare the number of responses to this post to the number of views you will see that within this "death to the bOrg" environment fewer endorse this type of story than one would expect. So the population I am sampling, this board, appears to be more representative of the general population, rather than just a bunch of ex-JW.

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