Are people REALLY leaving??

by lavendar 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • lavendar


    Wingcommander said in a previous post:

    The bad news is this: The older generation of JW's is dying off, while the younger generation thanks to the internet and research, is able to see through the history of false prophecy and absolute control, and is now leaving in droves!

    (He meant "bad news" for the WTS)

    Is it true that Witnesses are leaving in droves?? Oh, this would be music to my ears if it's true, because my son is married to a Witness and is seriously moving toward getting baptized. We believe if he didn't, he would probably lose her. She's been putting a lot of pressure on him to join.

    Does anyone have any stats to back this up??

    Thank you, thank you!!


  • Paralipomenon

    In most modern countries people are leaving as fast as they are joining. This makes for a zero based growth or in some cases negative. In third world nations however it is still all the rage and that offsets the final number to a surplus.

    So no mass exodus yet, but the tide has defiantly turned and is building momentum.

  • Rabbit

    Almost everybody who is here has left...or are on their way. That is many, many thousands of folks.

    Google "Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses" and see how many hits you get for support groups, websites, etc. that comes up.

    I came up with this:

    There are only 6 million JW's.

    Results 1 - 10 of about 25,500 for Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses

    For every 235 JW's... there's a support group, etc. of some kind.

    The nearest Ex-Religion group I found were the Mormons with 10 - 12 million members:

    Results 1 - 10 of about 40,000 for Ex-Mormons. (0.25 seconds

    For every 300 Mormons there is a support group.

    The LARGEST Christian group in the world @ 1 Billion:

    Results 1 - 10 of about 61,700 for Ex-catholic. (0.13 seconds

    For every 16,207 Catholics there is a support group.

    A most common Amercan religion with ? 50 - 60 million members ?

    Results 1 - 10 of about 679 for Ex-baptist. (0.08 seconds)

    For every 88,345 Baptists there is a support group.

    And those nasty Presbyterians ?

    Results 1 - 10 of about 260 for Ex-presbyterian. (0.20 seconds)

    The fastest growing religion, Muslim, with about 1 billion members:

    Results 1 - 10 of about 107,000 for Ex-muslim. (0.14 seconds

    For every 9,345 muslims there is a support group.

    Proportionately, it seems Jehovah's Witnesses need more help that just about any other group. I didn't check a lot of others, but, it also seems the internet is very important in helping cult members to get info and help where prying eyes cannot watch them.

  • aniron

    Heres a link to some JW statistics

    because my son is married to a Witness and is seriously moving toward getting baptized. We believe if he didn't, he would probably lose her. She's been putting a lot of pressure on him to join.

    If the pressure is on for him to join then it will be for the wrong reason. He would be joining not because he believes, but just to please his wife.

    Is he going be going on field service, to meetings, assemblies, conventions etc. Knowing he doesn't believe a word of it all.

    He will end up leading a double life ....will he be happy?

  • OnTheWayOut
    my son is married to a Witness and is seriously moving toward getting baptized.

    You gotta help him. Young people are examining things for themselves. Most teens that
    did not get baptized as JW's decide not to ever get baptized as JW's.

    Start educating yourself and tell your son what you learn. Do it quickly.
    Tell him that he's not a Witness yet, so he's free to examine things.

  • zack

    People are leaving. It is a fact. Are others joining? Yes. That is a fact as well. But it's like losing your hair.

    You lose hair, you get it replaced. At some point in time the new hair is of inferior quality and with a shorter life cycle. The shorter the life cycle, the quicker the hair

    leaves your head and the slower it is replaced. After a while there are no more replacement hairs and you are bald.

    After awhile there will be no more replacement Witnesses in the West. Already the "quality" of new witnessess is below par. They are baptizing CHILDREN for

    crying our loud! The Confederacy put children in uniform at the END of their struggle. Germany did the same. They are leaving. Save your son.

  • Francophile

    I have thought so-- that people are leaving-- at least in the developed countries.

    I have tended to think that the JW's in the developed countries will eventually be left with an increase-by-breeding program.

    Who knows, maybe they'll get "new light" and encourage more childbearing, like the Mormons:

    [Imaginary WT article:]"In the past, the FDS encouraged brothers and sisters to abstain from childbearing to devote time to kingdom interests. Does this mean that brothers and sisters should not start families, as some have misunderstood? By no means! Indeed, [scripture they pull out of their ass] says [something out of context]. How encouraging it is that Jehovah loves large families..."

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