"...and the True Prophet is..."

by Nathan Natas 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    Long, long ago, in a thread on the subject "Speculation on special October 7th meeting" - found here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=11414&site=3#138354

    I predicted with astonishing and god-like accuracy:

    I can understand how as former thralls we would have some morbid curiousity about what the FDS/GB has planned.

    I predict that whatever the specific content might be, it will be a BALONEY BANQUET no different from any of the other special events and special revelations hosted previously.

    Let's just be patient and trust in Jehovah's Organization to provide us all with a good laugh in the days following.

    I shall be happy to lead my sheep into paradise now. Who will follow me? (Yes, sex will be involved.)

  • radar

    Accuracy don't count unless you prophecy in Jah's name.

    And I have gone off sex


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    oh yeah... OK... How about I invoke my previously undeclared "retroactive Jah clause"? That should cover it. It was a divine secret until now.

    Radar, you need to reconsider your chasitiy - we're talking PURE PERFECTION here, Son; PARADISE! Whatever you like - you'll get thirty two of 'em if you follow me!

    How 'bout it? Sign here:

  • AGuest

    Ahhh, Nathan... Nathan... Nathan...

    My dear one... may you have peace.

    And may you heed this little piece of advice that comes 'with all my good intentions':

    Unless your butt is prepared to 'cash' the 'checks' your mouth is writing, please, dear one... be careful what you may 'wish' for... and/or may claim to be. May I ask, have you ever heard of "self-fulfilling prophecy"? Yes, I was sure you had. And with my Father, dear one, things have a way of coming to pass in ways we LEAST expect.
    I refer you to the 'apostle'... Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9:16).

    And again, I bid you peace.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • expatbrit

    Can I have a new light?

    Expatbrit, one Guinness too many

  • Farkel

    Nathan (I HATE that name!),

    : I predict that whatever the specific content might be, it will be a BALONEY BANQUET

    No wonder I'm all screwed up. Bad NUTRITION!


    "When in doubt, duck!"

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