contact thingy

by moomanchu 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • moomanchu

    It works, I sent a co-workers address and name to you know who.

    Today the co-worker told me all about the visit he had on Monday. (took about 4 months for it)

    He took one of their books but didn't pay for it the older man said "even a copper penny would help."

    My friend said "I just stood there with his arms folded not saying anything more."

    I guess they felt obligated to leave him have the book because he said he would look at it.

    That 'contact us' thing can come in handy for many puposes.

    Hope it doesn't cause 'you know' who any trouble.

    I think I'm gonna fill another one out right now.

  • IP_SEC


  • BFD

    That's amazing. It took 4 months for them to come with their life saving message.. Good thing the Big A didn't come first! What a bunch of a holes. I actually signed myself up last week to see how long it would take for them to contact me. God help the idiot who calls on


  • moomanchu

    Why don't I see this thread on the web site?

    What's really funny is there's a JW at work that he thinks set him up.

  • loosie

    We should all do this. And time it like dominoes pizza delivery. ( 30 mins delivery free pizza) If we don't contact you within 2 months your book is free.

  • loosie

    We should all do this. And time it like dominoes pizza delivery. ( 30 mins delivery free pizza) If we don't contact you within 2 months your book is free.

  • loosie

    We should all do this. And time it like dominoes pizza delivery. ( 30 mins delivery free pizza) If we don't contact you within 2 months your book is free.

  • loosie

    Whoops sorry about that

  • IsaacJS2

    When I was new to the WTS, I also tried the contact thingy on the back of the literature. Wrote to them about a friend in Florida I was worried about, and they eventually went to see him. (He hung with them a bit but didn't get baptized) Yes, it worked for me too.


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