An example of how Watchtower regulation invades every aspect of a Witnesses life are the following articles of socializing in gatherings, warning about provision of alcohol, time spent entertaining and size of events.
I remember the stress that accompanied each event that we hosted, as the host is considered responsible for any situations that may arise. How many people, how much alcohol, who can we invite that won’t be offended, what music can we play that will be considered acceptable, is it too loud, too dark, is anyone pairing off, …? On more than one occasion I was summonsed to the elders after such events.
Kingdom Ministry July 1974 p.3
"Experience has shown that there can be pitfalls and problems in connection with large social gatherings. The one who is the host has a serious responsibility. He is accountable for what takes place at a gathering that is under his jurisdiction.”
Watchtower 1992 August 15 pp.16-19 Social Entertainment—Enjoy the Benefits, Avoid the Snares
“Yes, while not condemning appropriate entertainment, the Bible offers us cautions. These include counsel to keep social entertainment in its place as to time and quantity. It also warns us about pitfalls that have been all too common with large social gatherings. … Christians today are assigned to proclaim God’s message of hope as well as to pronounce his judgments against Satan’s wicked system. (Isaiah 61:1-3; Acts 17:30, 31) It should thus be evident that we ought not to allow entertainment to become prominent in our lives. … Having alcoholic beverages at large social gatherings has ensnared many. It is not as if the Bible forbids moderate use of such beverages, for it does not. As an evidence of this, Jesus made wine at a wedding feast in Cana. There must have been no overdrinking, for Jesus would uphold God’s counsel to avoid being among heavy drinkers. (Proverbs 23:20, 21) But consider this detail: The director of that feast said that at other feasts good wine was served first ‘and when people were intoxicated, the inferior wine’ was served. (John 2:10) So it was common for Jews to get drunk at weddings where abundant wine was available for all. The larger a gathering, the greater the challenge, because it is easier for weaker ones, who are inclined toward excesses, to assert themselves. At unsupervised gatherings they may promote questionable activities.”
The 1992 Watchtower warns about frequent entertainment, large gatherings and the use of alcohol. How paradoxical that it includes the example of Jesus attendance at a wedding in Cana, even admitting that “it was common for Jews to get drunk at weddings”. Jesus produced over 120 liters (160 bottles) of wine on top of what had already been supplied. If Jesus felt it was acceptable to attend a large gathering and supply copious amounts of alcohol, what precedence does the Watchtower have for such negative dictations?