What are the advantages/disadvantages of withholding information?

by The Dragon 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    I have narrowed down my search of major problems facing us and our society...and I have found this to be the biggest culprit.

    It is also what kicked off our existance according to the bible. God was accused of withholding useful, good information from His creation to remain superior to them...by a spy..or someone who knew what was really going on? For such behavior the spy was rewarded with the promise of eternal damnation. What was the intentions and reasons of the spy for doing so? (all we can do is guess though)

    Point is...It is an example that our leaders follow down to this very day..information is bought and sold....

    This causes the people without to remain dependant on those who do.........which becomes a double edge sword as they must do everything for these dependants..and have little time for themselves and their families. (no rest) it also creates a problem for the dependants..as they cannot deal with their own problems...and if those who can are too busy..they are screwed and forced to try to deal with it on their own...if they make a mistake in the process....their absent saviors then become their prosecuters and punishers.

    This seems to be the major issue and argument....and to the best of my knowledge we have never experimented with the total sharing of information and the pursuit of true equality ASAP in any type of study. So we do not know for sure if the spy was correct..or his master basically....we just blindly blame the spy for all the bad things that happen to us....without any evidence. And all hell is going to break loose if we ever experiment and find that spy to be correct..and our real savior.

    I find it odd...that Jesus was also against the withholding of information..and also wanted everyone to share information freely......Jesus and Satan had very little to argue about on this point. They were both strongly against authorities withholding knowledge and information from their flocks...and both spys, revealing authorities wrongdoings in front of those being wronged. (dangerous self-destructive work I might add)

    The experiment would be easy to conduct.....could even be done in prison in an controlled environment. Have the Warden train all the guards with everything he knows ASAP..so much that he could leave his post and go home, and a guard could do his job..no problem while he was gone. if that works well....start training the convicts until they can run the prison themselves and all the authorities can then go home and be with their families....knowing that the prison will be fine and the independant prisoners can take care of themselves and each other. (Like what we are supposed to be doing in Iraq remember.) ( and in reality failure for us shouldd it ever actually happen)

    Any additional thoughts or flaws in my obeservation I may have missed?

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    What kind of parent never wants their children to grow up and become independant and equal to themselves?

  • IP_SEC

    Your last question kinda answers your question huh?

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    yeah pretty much does.................................

    I have long suspected that the act of keeping others dependant and inferior to you is self destructive for both parties...I just want to prove it beyond any doubt so that steps can be made to correct the problem.

    Before you can get there you must first prove the problem exists....and that is where I am currently.


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