I was at the Meetup this week and had a couple of interesting comments about what people have done to mark their progress away from the WTS/JWs.
One person said that when she recognizes that she has taken another step away she rewards herself with her own private birthday party, cake and candles and sometimes even a gift. She is doing this for all the birthdays she missed. And it needn't fall ON her birthday but it does mark some change in her
Another puts up a tree for Xmas and instead or even along side the cracker she gives a Kinder Surprise (looks like a egg but is chocolate with a small toy inside) She is creating her own holiday traditions.
When someone gave me my first xmas tree I put it up immediately - it was JULY!! But I didn't care
Every now and then I find myself doing something - buy a lotto ticket, vote, salute the flag or sing the anthem, have some kind of patriotic activity - see a parade or even participate in one etc
So what have you done, are doing or think you might do to mark your progress?