JW KH Construction Plans Cause Stir in Mass.

by kwr 2 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • kwr


    SOUTH DENNIS — There is something afoot on Old Bass River Road.

    A church proposed for a property between Asack Drive and Jay's Drive has prompted misrepresentations, letters passed under blind cover to regulatory boards, and threats, according to the spokeswoman for a local neighborhood association who addressed a hearing on the project last night.

    "There was some nonsense going on," said Marisa Zani, a board member of the Asack Acres Association.

    But Zani was also one of several neighbors who voiced concerns about the proposed church before the Old Kings Highway Historic District Commission at Dennis Town Hall.

    While Zani condemned the "nonsense," she added that Asack Acres' members continue to have significant concerns about the project's impact. "We are extremely concerned that a building of this size is going to be placed on a property that small," she said.

    The building is a 4,384-square-foot Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall that would replace a congregation's place of worship in Harwich.

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  • sass_my_frass

    They ought to be concerned that these folk are going to be attending there three times a week, every week, until they go mad and sell the house at a loss to get away from it all.

  • purplesofa

    sentence from the article

    Churches are among a limited number of developments that are allowed under state and federal law even if the project may be prohibited by local zoning ordinances, Fortier said.

    comment from a reader

    My objection to the Jehovah's Witnesses building is they have no public charitites,yet pay no real estate taxes.No missions,soup kitchens just door to door asking for donations.

    The comments from the readers are very interesting. Danny Haszard is there too. purps

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