What were the neighbours of your kingdom hall like?

by sass_my_frass 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Every one of the houses around every kingdom hall I attended were Do Not Calls; I imagine due to the many years they'd been subjected to a hundred cars arriving, three times a week; every week for as long as they live there.

    One lady used to throw buckets of water on whoever walked up her stairs. One bloke called the police every Tuesday night to tell people driving out not to turn their cars headlights on until they were pointing away from his bedroom window.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    My KH growing up was a little backwoodsy. The closest neighbors were frogs, birds, crickets and grasshoppers.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    When we were in the Cook Islands, our neighbors were Mormons.

    The islands had two JW missionarys and two Mormon missionaries in the 1960s....

    ....that has now grown to....

    Mormons = 10% of the population.

    JWs = less than 1%

    ...and a 60s Yearbook said that the JW growth was because of Jehovah's blessing.

    Who was blessed????

  • KW13

    We had a few workplaces around and further out and up the road were houses. Reactions were mixed but in all the whole area wasn't and isn't to this day very responsive. People are educated and happy. Something the dubs can't quite get a grip on.

  • AZ

    There was a nice trailer court on one side. It was fenced of and the entrance was around on another street...I remember going out in service once and calling on people that lived in a house right across the street. They seemed nice. I remember every year for christmas they had this massive light train thye stuck on the side of the house. I recall once the elders making an announcement that we needed to park in the parking lot ...(ya go figure) Apparently the neighbors were complaining that we were stealing there parking spots...All I know is isn't wasn't me and we had a huge parking lot...I think we had a lot of brothers and sisters that thought they were handicapped. They probably didn't wanna walk all the way from the back of the lot. It was kinda of a weird shaped lot...other than that I don't recall anything else but I haven't been to the KH in about 5 yrs or so...can't really remember how long it's been now...oh well.

  • jaguarbass

    Back in Cleveland the hall was next to a bar on one side and a field on the other.

  • Poztate

    The neighbours at my wife's hall fly a large Canadian flag right at the property line

    I think they are trying to tell the Dub's™ something.....

  • juni

    The neighbors were not favorable to the door to door work. Can't blame them. Then they had all of the meetings and traffic to contend with and late night talking in the parking lot. Also with the different homes where we met for weekly field service and the book study. All of the parked cars, etc.


  • blondie

    I do remember reminders not to stand outside and talk, especially on weeknights. But most the KHs around here are out in the country and not near homes. They made a point not to work the territory around the KH very often too.

    At least they didn't have wedding receptions and food events like some churches did and were complained about.

    BTW the Lutheran churches here go door to door.


  • asleif_dufansdottir

    There was only one home really adjacent to the hall we used to go to (the rest were vacant lots and one big shop building.

    The KH was on the other side of the alley from these folk's back yard. The KH used the alley as the driveway to the parking lot (the parking lot was behind the hall).

    So, every time somebody drove past or walked in from the parking lot, the neighbor's dog (Lab) would bark. The KH called the cops so many times about this poor dog barking on its own property that the family finally had to get rid of the dog.

    I thought that was just terrible even when I was a 'good JW'.

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