I wonder if there will ever be a shooter....

by truthsetsonefree 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • truthsetsonefree

    Watching coverage of the VA Tech shooting, and thinking about how people who feel powerless and taken advantage of, can plan and carry out such a crime, I wonder when someone will break under the pressures put on by WT and tragically committ one of these at a Kingdom Hall. There are probably people who under the right mix of circumstances, mental illness and opportunity, are capable of doing this in the JW cult. Any thoughts?


  • avidbiblereader

    No matter how we may feel personally towards any of the witnesses or organization,

    I sure hope this never happens to anyone else, there is enough suffering and would prove nothing personally or organizationally either way if someone ever repeated such a heinous crime and snuffed innocent lives away from their loved ones.


  • truthsetsonefree



  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Anything that would bring down this destructive cult would be a good thing for the general public and the jws also. The media attention would have a dramatic impact.

    For example if someone was to go to Brooklyn and waste all the GB members, I wouldn't shed a tear for those power playing cunts, Why you may ask ? A simple answer

    look at that thousands of people that died for not taking a blood transfusion or an organ transplant including Innocent children, think of the millions of families that were broken up

    because of this exclusive protectionist cult. Hell I know of at least 3 young people in my area that were from jw families that committed suicide and all were suffering from

    acute depression and anxiety brought on by the Armageddon syndrome. So a little damage to do some good ya I'm for it. I'd consider it humanity's revenge.

    Men can be very dangerous animals when they want power as history shows and mind controlling cults are an perfect example of these dangerous social behaviors.

  • avidbiblereader

    Ouch Dan, but what would it serve, I feel sorry for those that have suffered by this religion (WE ALL HAVE) or cult, but killing others senselessly proves nothing.


  • truthsetsonefree

    Let us hope this never happens. Really. But life often takes turns that are sad but which shine the light of truth in otherwise hard to see places. The media would be impossible to ignore or brush off if something like this happened. Let us hope that somebody up in the ivory tower that is Bethel sees this BEFORE something bad happens. This is a gruesome topic I know, but if these "elders" and "older, experienced men" up there should be seriously considering things like this before they have even more blood on their hands.

    One thing that got me thinking about this was a young man I know and studied with who resembled this kid in VA in many ways. Fortunately I encouraged his family to get treatment for him and he is doing OK, for now. But I went against the advice of fellow elders and against the WT Society's directions as expressed in letters to elders to get this young man help.

    These are subjects that responsible authority figures have a moral obligation to consider.


  • ninja

    click......be back soon......he he

  • BFD

    ninja -

    I hope that something like this will never happen but if it did it would play right into the persecution complex.


  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Sorry if I come off being cold and ruthless with my statement, but I do feel if people are going to play the power game as these men have and have wasted and destroyed the lives of

    hundreds if not thousands of lives, you can understand my apathy toward them, they must be held accountable for their actions. Kingdom building is fine and legal in this country as you are

    aware but when you start taking peoples lives in doing so, you should be stopped or shut down, these men obviously lost control of their begotten power, and are now a danger to the general

    public..........shame but reality can be cruel

  • kwr

    Can we delete this thread before it ends up on the nightly news? Some people here on the blog are advocating murder.

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