Here is a quote that I found recently. I would like you to read the following excerpt and guess where the quote is from:
"God’s people must be aware that they have a responsibility before God to respect, obey, and submit to His anointed servants . . . Far too many with the [ organization ] have imitated the words of Korah and other leaders of Israel who said to Moses, ‘You have gone too far! The whole community is holy, everyone of them, and the Lord is with them. Why do you set yourself above the Lord’s assembly?’ . . . It is true that all Christians walking in the light are holy and God is indeed with everyone of them. However, it is also true that through His spirit certain men have been assigned responsibilities to lead in the Kingdom and that to oppose them is to oppose God who anointed them."
The above excerpt was not taken from a Watchtower article. It was taken from literature printed by the Boston Church of Christ. I had replaced the words "Church of Christ" with the word "organization" in brackets above. If one simply replaces the words "Church of Christ" with the word "organization", the statements could easily be found in a Watchtower study article.
The above quotes were published in the book: Churches That Abuse by Ronald M. Enroth. Enroth spent years researching Bible cults and published his research in this book. The book does not mention Jehovah's Witnesses once. However, the similarities in the book are striking. The book is an excellent analysis into many Bible cults in the United States. In page after page, and quote after quote, I was amazed at how similar so many of these groups were to the Watchtower organization. I highly recommend this book to everyone.
When I began to read the works of Steven Hassan, Margaret Singer, and Robert J. Lifton, I was amazed at the similarities that the Watchtower organization has with other cultic groups. Did any of you begin to sense some of these characteristics while still in the organization? What characteristics did you begin to notice?