WOW! What a night....

by FreedomFrog 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreedomFrog

    So I go to bed at my normal time...all of the sudden I'm in shear panic of a fire starting off in the kids bedroom trapping them. I'm in a small 2 bedroom apartment 3 stories high and I sleep in the living room on the couch so each of the kids have their own space. I lay down and I start to panic of a fire. I get up to check the kids and of course they are both fine. I lay down again only to start smelling smoke and tire burning. I keep telling myself it's only in my head. I fall asleep (finally) and I am woken up by a loud buzz..come to find out, it was nothing...I must have been dreaming. This went on until about 4 am. I have no idea why I was in such panic.

    You mothers out there (or fathers)...have you experienced anything like this?

    I must be going off the deep

  • daystar

    There are nights when I start to imagine what I would do should someone try to break into my place, armed, intent on terrorizing.

    It tends to keep me up a bit, yes. At least it does until I grab a length of steel and slide it handily under my pillow.

  • journey-on

    FreedomFrog.....make sure your smoke detectors have fresh batteries in them. Mothers have a strong intuitive "sixth" sense about them so listen to it! If you don't have smoke detectors, get some!

  • YoursChelbie

    Have you been watching the late at night re-run of the local news? That's one thing I can think of that could affect your subconscience.

    I know once I saw a report of some terrible thing on the news and had recurrent dreams about it.

    Glad everyone is OK.

    Tomorrow night it's the Backyardigans and off to bed missy!


  • FreedomFrog

    No, actually I haven't been watching anything really, only Blues Clues or Barney. Last night was a bit different because Sierra has been sick and she went to bed early which I then went to bed early myself. I'm wondering though if it was because of Sierra's fever (it was only 99 degrees). Around 4am she comes in with a fever of 104 and I had to bathe her a bit to get it down. Though she didn't have the fever this high when I started into my "panic" mode.

    I feel safe when it comes to someone breaking in since we are on the 3rd floor...but not so safe about the fire thing. Though it hasn't affected me this much until last night. The only thing that I can think of that could have started this panic is that Sierra is sick.

  • YoursChelbie

    That's quite a high fever. I hope she gets to feeling better soon or you might need to pay a visit to the doctor to rule out anything serious. (((((Gina and kids))))) Hope you can get some rest tonight.


  • FreedomFrog
    FreedomFrog.....make sure your smoke detectors have fresh batteries in them. Mothers have a strong intuitive "sixth" sense about them so listen to it! If you don't have smoke detectors, get some!

    Thanks, I thought about that too. I did check the smoke detector (which we have only one in the hallway) and it's fine. I am going to get more detectors when I get paid for each of their rooms. I couldn't keep the thought out of one of the neighbors causing a fire. I'm use to living in a house and now I'm sharing a building with about 50 other families. Again, this didn't bug me this much until last night. I've been here for over 7 months now.

  • sammielee24

    Do you have a small balcony at your apartment? There are also safety ropes or ladders that fold up and are used in cases where you may need to escape fire. You hook the bars at the edge of your window and climb down - I'm just not sure how many feet they give you. sammieswife.

  • FreedomFrog

    Yes, we have a balcony, but it's in the living room by the front door for all good that would do. I've checked into the ladder thing and they wouldn't be long enough to get down. The balcony doesn't cover the kids windows. The rope thing is a good idea. I could get a long rope and make knots in it and have it ready just in case.

    I just don't understand why I'd panic to the point of when I'd drift off to sleep I'd start actually smelling smoke; or like I said before, hear a buzz when no buzzing was there. First time in a long time when I was affected by my brain playing games. It was so strong that I was expecting a loud knock at my door from the neighbors trying to warn me. The thing is, I'm in a good area if a fire happened because there is a fire station right next to our building. It's close enough that I probably could (throwing hard) hit it with a rock.

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