Welcome to Watchtown
by + 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
Looks interesting, but being in German I wont get too much out of it.
Interesting comparison +, between watchtower and Jonestown, = watchtown.
I wasn't a jw when the Jonestown massacre happened, I joined about 3 years later, but I remember a public talk at our kh in the 1980's where a brother had the "cult of death" cover from Time magazine, and said that armageddon might well be Jonestown on a world wide scale, with all the dead bodies lying around.
Of course, he said the watchtower in no way imitated Jonestown, and I believed him at the time, but now I'm not so sure:
JWs don't live communally........................................................so how about bethel homes?
JWs will never be asked to commit mass suicide........................no blood policy?
Peoples Temple had a single leader with absolute power..............the gb have absolute power
Jim Jones changed his ideas......................................................new light doctrine?
Jones used threats and blackmail to stop people leaving...............watchtower shunning policy
Jim Jones made prophecies that didn't come true.........................1914,1915,1918,1925,1975
Jones was always demanding money from his followers................so is the watchtowerThere are probably more comparisons as well, they are just a few I thought of
I was wrong... I tried watching it again and it was really quite chilling, the amway thing was brilliant.
really good....sobering.
Again, an impressive piece of work. You do not necessarily need to speak German to grasp the idea. The spoken words are not really of importance to deliver the message.
Excellent work, + .
I look forward to seeing more of your art.
Excellent....Excellent....Excellent work +.
I remember all too well the Jonestown massacre. At that time I had to face the wrath of my workmates. Somewhere in my heart, I knew we JW's resembled some of that behavior.