There was a TV show the other night about the "ANTICHRIST". I missed it.
It was about John Nelson Darby "the father of dispensationalism". He was of Irish/Scot heritage. Interesting history. You can Google it to get further information.
Seems that in the 19th century - early 1800's to late 1800's - these groups started popping up all over, but the American history on this movement was most interesting to me as the JW's religion is based in those beliefs and started in the US.
Why is this interesting? Because Charles T. Russell was included in this belief that there would be a battle between good and evil at Armageddon and other ideas that the JWs believe today.
Strange that the Almighty would choose such a "follower" of the popular belief at the time.
And then on to "Judge" Rutherford the tyrant........ I would certainly NOT be proud of that history if I were the WTB&TS.