JWs and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

by LDH 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    * http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=13183&site=3

    For those of us who don't venture outside of the main forum, you don't know what you are missing.

    In the above post, a newbie named Harmony asks if anyone here has HSV (Herpes Simplex virus). Although I gave her what I thought was a rather nice answer, she hasn't replied.

    That's ok, I guess.

    But it did remind me of the time my father served on a JC where they reinstated someone. He warned us girls "not to sit on the seat at the KH toilet because someone in the cong. contracted Herpes by disobeying Jehovah." Now, I don't sit on ANY sit outside of my house, so no prob there.

    It just killed me that this person was stupid enough to tell the JC that she had Herpes as a result of her immorality?!?! I mean, what the hell was she thinking? I'm sure she felt it was a necessary part of her confession, in an effort to get reinstated.

    And, in all fairness, my father never identified the person. But we figured it out in a short time.

    Of course, all the elders told their families 'not to sit on the toilet in the ladies room' and 'not to drink out of the fountain' so as not to contract Herpes.

    Nice, huh?


  • Harmony Taylor
    Harmony Taylor

    Replying to Lisa

    You were ok to answer the first time.
    However you second reply I did not like.
    For your father to announce that someone in the cong had HSV was totally wrong of him. Yes, we pracitice uncleaness in the world. Like most of us we did not know the truth and we did not grow up in the truth with parents knowing Jehovah.

    I can not believe an elder in a cong would have told you the story of someone contacting the hsv. I would never tell anyone in my cong. just because I know people talk to much.

    I see I am getting negative replys on this forum. Who is the person talking about joining the cult and if this HSV is a CD or DVD.

    You know, I am just going to keep my faith to JEhovah because I know in the new system, these things wicked things taking place in the would today will be done with.

    If anyone does not have anything nice to say or positive to not reply. thanks

  • Englishman


    My pet budgerigar fell prey to this disabling disease, the vets said it was an associate disease to herpes.

    It was called chirpees! Boom boom!


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • LDH

    Dear Harmony,

    You've missed the point. The elder's job is to 'keep the congregation clean.'

    How much more so should my father have been concerned about his own damn family? He NEVER revealed who it was, over the next year or so my sister and I figured it out.

    And for your information, the whole situation of confession and telling someone you have a very private illness (esp. not a contagious one) and expecting them to keep a secret is a joke!

    Would you also like to know about Bob *@& who had AIDS? He got it from intravenous drug use. He has passed away some 13 years or so, but the Kaposi's Sarcoma was all to obvious to anyone who knows anything about AIDS. No one would even hold his baby because 'the baby drools and spit can transmit AIDS.'

    Don't be a dumbass, I KNOW what I'm taling about.

    You said:

    Yes, we pracitice uncleaness in the world.
    Did you know HSV can be transmitted between two people who are VIRGINS even if they marry as such?

    Woman has HSV 1, fever blisters, cold sores. After marriage (she is a virgin and marries a virgin) the couple engage in oral sex. The virus happens to be shedding. The next thing you know, Jack's got a nice case of HSV.

    Do you think THEY should run to the elders and tell them about the 'uncleanness' in their own marriage?

    Wake up girl. You seem so nice. Trusting in Jehovah is fine, but when you put all yer eggs in one basket, the JW basket, you are one dumb chicken.


  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Someone once said, "tis better to have loved and gotten an STD than to never have loved at all."

  • LDH1

    bttt for HT.


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