I'm back from church. He is a good preacher if you believe what the bible says but I have a hard time believing it. He talked so much about the cross and what Christ went through so we could be saved. He talked about blood and how it was poured out for us.
I just can't view God as an entity that would be so tied up with blood. Thinking about the story of Adam and Eve, why would he be so dependent on them doing exactly what he demanded and cause billions of humans to die because of that little mistake. Then when Cain didn't give him blood he cursed him. Then he didn't mind spilling the blood of hundreds of thousands of humans because they didn't follow him as a nation. Then he required the blood of his own son so he could forgive humans. Then he made the followers of his truth be persecuted and die for him. I just can't seem to get it. I was reading 1 Cor: 4: something about Paul's saying that we can't use our head to try to figure out God but must believe what he said Christ said and just have blind faith that it's true.
Ken P.