So, why DON’T we all just shut up and leave the WTBTS alone to it’s “work”? This question comes up frequently from those still inside the organization. I want to address this question from my humble POV. First of all, I think it behooves us all to remember that the WTBTS, in the grand, cosmic scheme of things is quite minute. It is only because it has touched our lives (usually quite negatively, but not always), that it APPEARS to be the center of the universe. It is not. It’s actually quite a silly little group when you stand back and look at them. Pretend like you were never one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, or touched by them in anyway. Pretend you’re watching a documentary on them. It’s laughable. Take away the EXTREME collective paranoia, and the sick glee most express at over 6billion people dying, and it’s almost a loveable, albeit annoying, quirky sub-section of Americana. It’s sort of a religious Amway. The Multi-Level-Marketing Pyramid of the religious world.
So, given this, why don’t we all just shut up, and quietly slink out of the Kingdom Hall with our shoulders slumped, and our tail between our legs (to coin a phrase from Tallyman) and never dare utter a word about the WTBTS? Why do we lurk and post here? Some of us embarking on mountainous research projects, building webpages, cult exodus groups,etc. I believe this: we are all here to heal and/or to help others heal. Some people here are extremely angry. It’s like the abused child (and many of us were literally physically and definitely emotionally abused with the sanction of this organization), who cannot make the non-confrontational break with the abusive parent. These are the fighters. After years of stifling their emotions, and having everything about their human individuality devalued, when some find their voice—they are fire spewing dragons. Others are the eternal peacemakers. Perhaps they are more objective. They can see some of the good things about growing up in or having been touched by the organization. They want to remember the happy times with “mother”: the times “she” wasn’t beating or belittling them.
We’re all here to learn and heal. I try not to judge how people need to heal.
Despite appearances, however, what people would do well to remember is that there is a whole world out here. Those of us who have made our exit from the organization known as the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (a.k.a. Jehovah’s Witnesses) more times than not, have rich full lives since leaving, and are FAR FROM destitute, spiritually deprived, debauched individuals the cult would have you believe all who leave become. Many of us have gone on to non-dysfunctional relationships, overcome debilitating depression (which mysteriously disappears after leaving the ORG) received our education, gone on to careers, and have rich social lives that are not hindered by how much “time” a person puts in, how many meetings they make, or how dedicated to a human organization they are.
Which brings me to another reason why I think we’re here. This organization has, up to now, insisted on exclusive devotion up to cutting off one’s family and even death, for policies that have changed, and prophecies that have proven false. With a track record such as this, it HAS to be questioned. Even WITHOUT a track record like that, any person, or group that purports to be GOD’S ONLY SPOKESPERSON ON EARTH and attempts to hold people THAT tightly MUST BE QUESTIONED—TOO MUCH IS AT STAKE TO SIMPLY HAND OVER YOUR LIFE AND YOUR CHILDREN’S LIVES TO A GROUP OF HUMANS. So we’re here with our knowledge and voices for those who are thinking of joining, so they can get an alternative view point from those of us who’ve been there and for those who’s voices cannot be heard from within, especially the children, who have no choice in the matter. And to be a safe haven where those who stumble out broken and bruised to let them know—THEY ARE NOT ALONE.
Now, is this religious corporation going away anytime soon? I think not. Do I want IT to go away, like they would like myself and others to go away? Heavens no! Whose got that kind of resources or the inclination to bring down a corporation of that size? If nothing else, I think of the people in (like my mother) who need to be told what to do. They need the org like a heroine addict needs their next fix. They will lie to themselves and others, they will degrade themselves to no end, lying back and quietly taking whatever it is “mother” offers. This is sickening to those of us who crave freethought and spirituality, but this is the simple truth of the matter. Where would some be without “mother”? They would be emotionally shipwrecked. No, the org will probably be here for the long-haul. They’ve learned some very impressive survival lessons, and the name of the game today is PR (public relations). I believe this is why they are branching out into the lesser developed lands via the NGO UN sanction to obtain the fresh blood they desperately need to survive that they can no longer get in the more developed countries whose populace has more access to education.
Now, are we, the questioners--the dissenters going anywhere? No. We are necessary for reasons denoted above. BUT are we making a difference? Yes. The organization, while not going anywhere, IS changing, my friends. Do we honestly think they would willingly change if they could continue in their power-crazed course unimpeded, unquestioned? I am glad they are changing. They are mainstreaming, and with this, their chokehold on people’s consciences and spirituality will diminish. They may even become useful in the worldwide scheme of things--NOT with their silly magazines (however, if these became truly educational, that would be great)-–feeding the hungry, building schools, supporting the UN charters—in other words—SECULARIZING. As for our part, I’m proud to be here. We’re doing what we need to. In the words of the great Frederick Douglas when asked on his deathbed how civil rights should proceed: “agitate—AGITATE!”. We’ll always be watching. And we won’t be silenced while people are being oppressed.
Thank you for letting me vent and heal in my own way.
"Believing is easier than thinking. Hence so many more believers than thinkers." --Bruce Calvert