My husband is fourth generation, not third like I said in my post yesterday. His great-grandmother claimed to be one of the annointed. He has more relatives in the "truth" than you can believe. On his mother's side he is third generation. If anyone is policeing this site, I'm done.
My three step kids were young teens when I married into the family. All of them baptised. Their mother was disfellowshiped and my husband had full custody of the kids. They were under tremendous pressure to in-laws were pros at the positive and negitive reinforcement needed to keep these kids in-line. LONG story short. They grew up hypocrates and eventually faded into life with their "horrible mother", one was recently DF'd. I keep up with them all, they are doing good, though the family doesn't have anything to do with them, they blame it all on the "horrible mother", and the kids having "bad hearts"
My kids were never baptised. They never knew the WTS to be anything but a joke, thanks to the step brothers and sisters, and the rest of the family circus. "Bad hearts" the lot of them.
Just laying some ground work. What I really want to talk about is "a witness marriage". I realize that we all have different circumstances, but I really tried to be submissive those first several years. During the incident with my son (last post), I came to understand that I can't submit if it goes against my own conscience. Then, slowly I began to realize that I had been going against my own conscience for years. So I began apologizing to the kids, can't seem to forgive myself, however. I had a part in these kids maybe never being able to approach God on a personal level, not to mention the conditional love no one should ever have to know from their family.
These last few years have been tough on my marriage because of my inability to submit. My husband is a full-on witness, and can't and won't see anything else. He doesn't know how to approach me any other way. Today I still had to deal with him wanting me to go to meeting, read the Watchtower "it is so good this week", let me take the kids (grandkids) I am so sensitive to the kids because of the guilt I am still wrestling with over the past generation of kids.
I feel like my pretending has run the gammit. I have to get my stregnth back and I can't do this anymore, I have lost me somewhere in the process.
Why can't there be a gray area I can go to heal? Why do I have to be cast into the black for just being honest? I know it will get ugly, that is why I am here.