Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie -- Give it a pass! :-(

by AlmostAtheist 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    Hey Gang,

    I'm sure you're all chompin' at the bit to run right out and plunk down $10 to see the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie, recently released. Let me save you $10.

    It's not quite fair to say the movie sucked, since there WERE some funny parts. They weren't hilarious, or numerous, but they were there. What WAS abundant was time, confusion, and a robotic character that simply could not be understood better than half the time. It gave me the feeling that they knew they had a movie to make but kept putting it off, then slammed something together in a coupla weeks.

    If you've already seen everything else and you're DYING to see one more movie, then go ahead -- It probably won't make you physically ill. But if there's anything else to watch, or do, or you have a hectare of sod you could watch taking root, then I'd have to steer you towards those activities instead.

    I give it two thumbs down. And a dead rat.


  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Awww...that's really too bad. I'm a huge Meatwad fan. I love ATHF. I'll probably go see it though. Can't be any more disappointing than Spider Man 3.

    tall penguin

  • AlmostAtheist

    I love ATHF too, TP, and I was sure I'd love the movie. I wish they'd given Carl more lines, he's my favorite character. Meatwad gets serious screentime, so if you want some meat-gawking, you may well enjoy it.


  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    I thought it was kind of good-ish. I loved the song at the beginning. It was typical Aqua Teen. Didn't expect much more.

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