let me start out by saying, i know this is nit picking. i know it's not a big deal. it's just interesting to me. if you look in the front of the nwt, it says it is copyrighted. hmmmm, who's name is the copyright under? supposedly this is god's word, not mans, so, why do they need it. if it is man's word, even though it was written by divine insparation, then it is plagerism. haha, just a thought.
just a thought.
by bigdreaux 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
They probably mean that their translation is copyrighted rather than the Bible itself. There is basically one original Bible (Hebrew and Greek scriptures) but numerous translations in English.
They can relax on the copyright bit
Nobody in their right mind would want to claim that they were responsible for the NWT
greendawn, i se what your saying, and, this post was meant for a little comic relief, however, in response to what you say about their translation, don't they claim they were directed by jehovah? shouldn't he have the copyright?
That's right big...all the credit should go to Jehovah Jireh. You know, when I first heard "Jehoavh Jireh" at Kingdom hall I immediately thought of "Jehovah Gyroscope."
Without a copyright, it's just possible that someone would want to print these books.
Maybe not now, but in the future when WTS presses are sold off to pay for the
blood doctrine and DF lawsuits. (OK, I am dreaming)Seriously, though. They have to protect their interests. The English NWT was
translated into all the other languages. Without a copyright protection, somebody
else could make a Mandarin Chinese NWT and sell it. WTS doesn't want that.I find it interesting that Spanish and French and Romanian and Turkish, etc. JW's
rely on the English version for their translation. That makes it difficult to pick apart
the Greek and say why "stake" or "a god" was used instead of "cross" or "God."
I am sure it's still done, but sometimes it probably loses it's common sense.
(Okay, all the time it loses it's common sense, even in English.) -
well, shouldn't that be what they want to happen? i mean, for someone to re-print this and spread god's word? i would think so. if they feel they have to keep people from printing it, maybe they are in some other business other than saving lives.