I browsed a mag this weekend, almost puked, but noticed that they changed the verbage inside the front cover. Talks about how jehovahs witnesses have been printing the watchtower since 1879. I though they were called IBS back then? I also thought it was called zion's watch tower and herald of christ's presence back then? Why the subtle dishonesty, if any?
JW's been printing the watchtower since 1879?!
by sinis 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
you are right.
There were no "Jehovah`s Witness`s" in 1879..The Watchtower Bible and Tract society print the "Watchtower..And..Awake".....Jehovah`s Witness`s print "Nothing"!!.....Jehovah`s Witness`s do as thier told,by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society...OUTLAW
It's a stab at projecting authority to the unwary. "Oh, they have been printing this since 1879, so they must have something important to say."
If only they knew what was really going on...
Alligator Wisdom
I remember the meeting and the announcement of the 100th anniversary issue of the Watchtower that was given in 1979. Of course, the magazine didn't state it what-so-ever on the cover nor the contents. It just was a nice plug given by an elder at the service meeting.
Looking back, I never did notice anyone making any sort of announcement regarding the Bible. "Did you know that this year is the 1400 anniversary since the book of Obadiah was completed?" But if it has to do with the WT/Awake/OKM, but all means let the congregation know!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)