very interesting

by bigdreaux 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bigdreaux

    i am doing research to write a brochure. i am trying to show from the bible, where witness doctrine is deceitful and wrong. on a side note, if anyone wants to help, i would appreciate it. i am beginning to feel overwhelmed. anyway, i was reading the revelation, it's grand climax at hand book. i came across this interesting paragraph on page 30. it reads, "while claiming to be shepards of the flock of god, christendom's leaders, religious and secular, showed special hatred for anyone who tried to encourage bible reading or anyone who exposed their unscriptual practices. John Hus and bible translator William Tyndale were persecuted and martyred. During the bedarkened middle ages, apostate rule reached a peak in the diabolic catholic inquisition. Any who disputed the teachings or authority of the church were unmercifully suppressed, and countless thousands of so called heretics were tortured to death or burned at the stake. Thus Satan endeavored to ensure that any true seed of god's womanlike organazation would be quickly crushed. When the Protestant rebellion, or reformation, occurred, many protestant churches manifested a similar intolerant spirit. They too became bloodguilty by martyring those who endeavored to be loyal to god and christ. Truly, "the blood of holy ones" was freely poured out."

    discuss amongst yourselves. lol, i have more reading to do. again, anyone who wants to help, i have many topics to do research on. this is not being done to make money, but, to try to reach loved ones to see real truth. this is not a forum to bash witnesses, just to produce factual information. thanks guys.

  • Anti-Christ

    MK 9:40 Jesus says that those who are not against him are for him

    I That just one verse, it's not much, but I hope it helps a bit.

  • bigdreaux

    it sucks when you have to use something you don't believe in. i don't believe the bible, but, have to use it to show their errors.

  • Anti-Christ

    Well I don't believe it ( by my alias I think it's obvious) but I think that's all you need because the bible is it's own enemy. If you want bible flaws there's a bunch at Internet infidels and evil

  • bigdreaux

    i agree atheists that the bible is full of holes, and makes little sense. a friend of mine once said, " do you really think this world is so horrible and messed up because a talking snake got a lady to eat some fruit?" when you break alot of the bible down into these simplistic terms, it really makes no sense. however, if you try to show christians this, they will not listen to anything else you say. my plan is to help people out of the org. first. then, once they have broken free, we can discuss these other things. i just feel the bible is my only weapon right now.

  • bigdreaux

    sorry, i put atheist, but, meant that for anti-christ.


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