Living forever v. taking responsible actions

by lrkr 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • lrkr

    I sure you have noticed that many JW families and individuals will use the coming "new world" to avoid responsible action. Examples:

    You should have health insurance. Why- armageddon is coming, Jeh will care for us, etc.

    You should plan for retirement. Same answers

    You should act responsibly in your life towards global warming- Why? Jeh will fix everything in the new world.

    Have you noticed this trend in yourself? Have you noticed it in others? How do you fight it?

    Most are not so irresponsible as to intentionally not have health insurance but I notice this thought trend in myself (some greater power or future event will take care of this problem without my acting responsibly)

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I didn't notice it until it was time to think about retirement and there was little planning. I woke up real quick and am working on that now.

    I was never supposed to have to retire, though. Thoughts like that would have gotten me branded as spiritually weak 30 years ago.

  • SirNose586

    I have noticed the trend. After I had uveitis for a few weeks, I was at a meeting and this old pioneer sister said how wonderful it would be to have no more diseases in the New System(TM). I said how wonderful it was RIGHT NOW to not have the eye problem anymore, and how thankful I was for the scientists who came up with the eye drops and the doctors who diagnosed my problem correctly.

    As far as putting stuff off until later, I do know of a few couples who don't want to have kids in this "doomed world." I'm not their age, so I don't say anything to them.

    What alarms me is this renewed effort to get people to stop preparing for retirement...I even pointed this out to my folks. "You know, you guys had money saved up for later, but this is what they said not to do at the Circuit Assembly." They just sort of shrugged it off as something they were going to do anyway, no matter what the Slave said...!

  • ex-nj-jw

    It's funny that you started this thread, I spoke with my mother last night and she was saying that things are so hard for her and dad financially, they didn't think they would still be in this old system of things and they wouldn't have to worry about finances.

    They are well into their 70's and have zero savings, my dad is working at walmart and mom babysits for JW's, it's really sad that at their age they still have to work and struggle. And their health is really bad neither of them should be working or taking care of anyones children!! They had 7 children, I watched my parents work so hard when we were growing up and they have nothing to show for it. At age 70 they are still paying for a house that should have been paid off by now!!!

    But she's still waiting on Jah - he's gonna fix everything!!!


  • greendawn

    That's also their catch all explanation for not doing anything they don't want to do as an organisation including charity work, why bother if the end is so near preaching is by far the more important thing to do.

  • lrkr

    When was the last time you saw a JW give a homeless person a coin or offer to buy him lunch? Volunteer for a charity or donate to the united way? Never. It doesnt come up period.

  • jaguarbass

    Bad associations spoil usefull habits. Jehobers witnesses are bad association.

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