Vitriolic hatred of the sort that often spewed from my lips and writing after discovering that I was the victim of lies and counterfeit Christianity for most of my 48 previous years did little to gain a 'hearing ear' from some. They quickly cut me off. Later I DA'd, and further widened the gap I suppose.
In later reflection on this, I determined that likely my email address was blocked by these people, making it impossible to ever plant any seeds of doubt about their religion. Many of these people I still love - though of course the one-sided, conditional love they display makes any sort of relationship impossible.
So, while I suspect that any communication from me will be considered 'poison', I still believe there is possibility that a small seed of curiousity might be planted. So I sent the following email to several of my former associates. I expect no reply. In fact, I suspect they will only read it quickly and then discard it as dangerous. But I hope that it will spark a little wonder as to why a clear headed person would reject the 'Truth'. I provided a hint that could produce an internet search for one or two, who knows. I am sure that my new email address is now also blocked. But it cost me nothing to try and pry a little bit of daylight into a few inboxes.
Leaving the WTS was like grieving over the loss of a loved one for me. If I ever offended you, it was because I was in the early stages of 'Denial' or 'Anger' over the things I learned about the organization. I apologise if I offended you at that stage.
I cannot apologize for having left however. Any facts I presented to you were 100% and totally verifiable. I left for reason, not for rebellion against God. But, believe whatever you wish in that regard. I have no hearts to win here. You obviously could care less about me, and in fact your elders would have liked to have 'stoned' me if they could have done so. I bear no hatred against them, for like Stephen, I know they know not what they have done.
So - that's that. I am over it and on with life. Your New World is never coming. I am sorry that I cannot share more - you won't hear of it. But I love you dearly.
One phrase; Crisis of Conscience
May God bless you
Jeff K