Teasing hurts

by comment 8 Replies latest jw friends

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    Here's an experience from the June 1, 1995 Watchtower that really made me gag (even at the time, I think). It appears in the article "Gilead Graduates--Real Missionaries!":

    Next came some admonition by two Gilead instructors. Jack Redford urged the graduates to maintain a positive attitude. He told of a missionary who left her assignment in reaction to some teasing by fellow missionaries. The Scriptures, however, warn us against taking needless offense. (Ecclesiastes 7:9) "Have the right attitude," he exhorted. "Be forgiving of the mistakes and imperfections of others around you."

    So, Sister Missionary was teased and left her assignment. Considering a) what a dedicated Witness she must have been to undertake missionary service in the first place b) that she was in a foreign country and probably a long way from home, isn't it reasonable to suspect that the teasing was both extensive and nasty?

    Of course, if this had happened to her in some worldly organization, it would just have been an opportunity to quote 2 Timothy 3:1-5. "What else would you expect in this loveless world?"

    But, because it involved the Society, the organization and the group representing it could *not* be blamed. If Sister Missionary didn't provoke the teasing, well, she was still at fault for her reaction to it.

    Now think about this: Jehovah's Witnesses are already subjected to enough teasing. For not saluting the flag. For not celebrating holidays. For going door to door. The list goes on and on.

    Would it really be too much to expect that the one place all Witnesses could be safe from teasing would be in the midst of the "loving brotherhood"?

    Apparently it would.


  • unclebruce

    yeeeeeees comment,

    teasing can be sooooooo unkind .. sometimes in bed my wife laughs at my peanuts and squeezes my butt so hard it makes my eyes water .. the other night she started pinching my nipples .. now she's talking about whips and leather straps! Is this normal after 22 years of marriage? .. that kind of thing certainly never happened when we were witnesses.

    pounting uncleb

  • comment


    That sounds like a painful problem. Obviously worldly influence has crept in! Perhaps this could be the subject of a future Awake! article.


  • unclebruce

    ooo I certainly hope so comment .. It'd be so refreshing to receive ms straight from the horses mouth .. I bet the boys in brooklyn could tell us a thing or two about birch rods on bare buttocks

    unclebruce who'd be middle row, bolt upright, tower in hand the day fetish is studied.

    PS: Put's a whole new meaning to the initialls MS

  • think41self


    I never knew these interesting details of your life, your likes and dislikes before. How verrrrry interesting.

    Comment, good points about the teasing...they can just change their tune to suit the circumstances, eh? They've been doing that for years.


    "Not believing is not the same as not knowing."

  • joelbear

    If a woman had ever pinched my nipples, my life would have taken a completely different course.


  • mommy

    Did you scream Uncle? HEHE Great to see you, it has been awhile. I am glad you are still hanging around, and making me laugh as usual((((hugs)))) and a extra pinch on your butt from me

    I agree with your comment that the teasing must have been extensive. I am thinking what could they possibly been teasing her about...now my mind is going into overdrive...lol

    Joel, I highly doubt that! And I know you do too.

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • ozziepost

    A little publicised area of difficulty in Dubdom is the Missionary Homes where things are not all 'sweetness and light'. There are a number of Pacific area Missionary homes that have a history of severe disharmony that would befit any 'worldly organisation'.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    A propos of Ozziepost's comments re Missionary Homes, didn't Ray Franz mention something in COC about the frequency of problems in such places -- pettiness, bickering, persistent hard feeling etc. that he and other Brancj Servants all too often were called upon to mediate? Seems I read it somewhere, if not there.

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