i was talking to my ex-jw friends. we were talking about assemblies and the hell that went with them. i was wondering, what the hell is it with assembly bathrooms, that they always smell so horrible? i go to alot of concerts and football games, the restrooms never smell like that. what is it with witnesses? i came up with the theory, that, because the shit comes out of both ends, the smell doubles. and also, didn't you hate it when someone would take their shoes off in the afternoon. PUT THOSE DAMN THINGS BACK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is it?
by bigdreaux 1 Replies latest social humour
It reminds the JWs that they are human beings just like any one else and their excrement has a foul smell just as any one else's. No need to be arrogant and pretend a grand purity. The policy of the WTS is also deceitful and foul smelling.