Any who attend meetings, have you heard anything there? Or from relatives still in? This morning my husband put on his suit and put copies of the AP article on windshields in the KH parking lots. He said in his experience the witnesses gossip a lot because the meetings, and their lives, are so boring, so maybe something will get around and register with someone. Worth a try. flipper
Any reactions from JWs re settlements - do they hear about it?
by flipper 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
One of my friends called me Friday to tell me it was in the Everett Herald. She and her husband are JW's, and he is a very prominent elder. He found it first and showed her. Of course I had told her about it earlier in the week. The husband said "of course we have to follow the two witnesses rule, and a lot of this is exaggerated" and that was about all he said.
That's about all he said TO HER (maybe). Let's hope at first opportunity he got on the horn to call his fellow elders and they went bonkers discussing the newspaper article in the backrooms... lol.
Surely any human being, JW elder or not, would have more of a reaction, which no doubt as an elder he would feel seriously obligated to SUPPRESS (as if the news was "nothing") any internal tension he may have at seeing the article. But if he gets with the boys, I'm sure their curiosities will skyrocket.
/ag -
I told my JW roommate about it and printed out 2 newspaper articles. She wrote a letter to the PO of her cong. and gave it to him Sunday along with the articles stating that she would no longer be giving any money to the Society so they could pay out abuse settlements. She also told him she wanted to be left alone and not bothered by them. She was furious.
I'm not aware of anything in British newspapers, so I imagine Dubs here will not get to hear of it - which is a pity really, so I emailed Stephen Bates earlier
My mom (still in) heard that 'Fred Franz is down in California stirring up all kinds of trouble.' Her friend was upset that she would not agree. I told her the truth....
This will be spun, denied and laughed out of "the brotherhood".
They are in such denial that even if they saw the trials, they would say:
1. It is Satan.
2. It is the media.
3. It is the apostates.
4. The victims are sluts, or worse. MY OWN BROTHER, when he heard about his neice's lawsuit, said that with her lifestyle he would not believe her. NO KIDDING. In her lawsuit, decided several years ago, they ruled that the abuse happened but that the elders had no liability.
When you have blinders on, you don't have to notice ANYTHING.
Apart from on the net, there appears to be nothing in the New Zealand or Australian media about the settlement.
i told my jw sisters and their husbands yesterday at dinner.
they shrugged and moved on to dessert
DeViL DriVeR 76
I told my mom today as a matter of fact. Her reply? APOSTATES!!! lol guess what shes going to see next time I see her?
I said mom ever heard of Forbes? She said yeah, I said you know they arent apostates right? She said yeah, I said ok I'll show you a link next time I see you.
Here it is, Spread this around its a non biased printing of whjat happened and no witness can discredit this