I just watched family guy, man that show is funny, they had a part where Chris was talking about the evil monkey in the closet and he said it wasn't as evil since it became a JW, then they showed the monkey coming out of the closet, instead of pointing he showed a WT and it was wearing a suit. Man I laughed so hard. Just wanted to share that with some of you who are familiar with the show.
Family Guy
by Anti-Christ 8 Replies latest social entertainment
I saw that and I was laughing so hard...also at the campfire song that he was singing to his family. LMAO!!
Great show. One of my fav's.
also at the campfire song that he was singing to his family
El Kabong
Saw it and LMAO!!! Evil Monkey hasn't been around for a while. No wonder, he's been too busy going out in service.
My 10 year old daughter laughed out loud and hard, my son too. And of course me also
My 13 y.o. apostate-in-training shared it with me. Way funny!
i fell out of my chair laughing
i'm gonna search youtube tommorow and see if anyone has posted the clip..gonna email it to all my jw relatives lol
One of the best jokes ever about JW's on tv, my favorite is still the Robin Williams "chalk outline" joke, but Family Guy the other night was hilarious.