
by Sasha 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sasha

    One day I'm going to a lake and submurdge myself, repent of my sins, ask Jesus to forgive me and baptize myself. I'm not kidding. Becasue if you get bapitzed with any of these "organized" religions, theres alwasys the whole 9 yards...

    Ray Franz (retired Elder) said you can have any friend baptize you. Think I can just do it myself?????

  • esw1966

    Baptism is NOT for salvation. It is for public declaration.

    Baptising yourself would not do that. Therefore, I guess it would lack the impact it would before onlookers.

    I go to community churches and there seems to be NO strings attached with baptism. NO nothing, just a baptism. I think it would be safe for you to do.

    God KNOWS your heart. If you HAVE Christ, you HAVE salvation. Baptism shows that you are publicly declaring with your mouth and actions that you HAVE accpeted Him!

    Much success in all you do!


  • WTWizard

    I really doubt that a new baptism would amount to anything unless you plan to join another religion. What it might do is symbolize your decision to be through with the Watchtower Society for good. As such, doing it yourself might do the job. Having a friend, preferably one that is also an ex-Witless, would make it even better because there would be that much more impact.

    No, it is not necessary for forgiveness of sins. If you repent, that's enough. Repentence is basically an abandonment of sin, which itself results in absolution. If you still wish to remain Christian, then just the prayer to Jesus, with the heartfelt regret for having committed the sins, will be enough. Getting baptized again would be meaningless unless you plan to join another church.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I disagree with the first two posters. They have a point- To be baptized is to publicly
    acknowledge one's faith in Christ as Savior and Lord by being immersed in water
    (or in some instances, by having water placed on the head). Since acceptance with
    God is based solely on trust in the person of Christ who died for our sins and rose
    from the dead, water baptism is only a sign or outward indication of one's faith. It is
    not necessary for salvation. This is only one definition of baptism- the one definition
    that religious organizations would use.

    Another definition is- a Christian sacrament (formal religious ceremony)signifying
    spiritual cleansing and rebirth. The ceremony could be just for oneself. Baptism
    represents, and visually depicts, the washing away of all sin by Christ.
    It does NOT -as a ritual and in itself- redeem anyone. But is a "promise" of salvation
    to "as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.'

    I did an un-dedication ceremony where I burned WT materials- representing my
    invalidating my dedication to WTS. Nobody else was there, it was for me personally.
    Do what you want, if it brings you what you need. Many religions (mostly non-Christian)
    have personal ceremonies where you present yourself to God or perform some
    rite of passage.

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