it has been quite some time since i have written you a letter. the reason is complicated, and is much more than just one. we'll just say i was giving you the benefit of the doubt, or time to respond. Over a year has passed, and still, NOTHING. what are you doing that is so important? why do you not respond, or at least act? my rage has subsided into a quiet fire in my heart. at this point in time, i just don't believe you are there. will you destroy me for this? with your track record, i highly doubt that.
i have spoken to your "prople" of all sects.... not one of them was able to answer my questions. god, i have even shaken some of their beliefs. i am sorry to have turned them, this was not my intention, or maybe it was. you see, they are as sick and tired of the suffering and pain in this world as i am. they have also realized that they have been following blindly. so i must ask; why, if you are all powerful, must your existance be sucha mystery? why can you not make yourself known, as you ask us to do everyday? i am expected to tell everyone who i am and what i represent the moment i meet them if i am to be your servant.... why do you get to hide? you say that we should just believe, and that we are the reason for all this pain in the world. and god, i do agree, we have caused much of the pain in our world. my argument to that is, half the wars, half the sufferings, if not more is because the men who you have allowed to rule our nations think they are doing your will. i feel that death by war and murder is actually YOUR fault. you leave us with no clear answer and thus we fight because we are convinced we know what YOU want. why can it not be clear to the whole world?
and then here is the next question god... why all the suffering? it's that easy! why do you allow it all? are you not as powerful as we think you are? or, have you forsaken us? and if you have forsaken us, then why? what have we done that is not your doing first? we were created by you, with your specifications, and yet, you punish us for acting the way you created us to act! why?
i guess my sincere question is this god... how can i act to make you fix this world? what can i do? we need help, and i have been brought to the point of giving up on you. god, i don't even think you are there anymore. god, my anger has faded. now i am only concerned with the state of this world in which i live. and i am confounded by your inaction.
i know this is a futile act, but i will send this letter with my dearest sympathies. for the world to be in this state, you must either be extremely ill, or dead. either that, or you never existed
sincerely yours,
the infamous one