faking/fading not an option any more...help!

by wings 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • wings

    I wish I had found this site years ago. Then I would have thousands of posts...atleast a jedi master...but nothing ever works out like I want.

    newbie....I need help

    I have been fading for years. Just didn't know it was called fading. I called it faking, and I have felt like a fake, and then of course you have to add to that, my lack of "everything necessary to be spiritually okay". I mean the bag of duties necissary to show Jehovah you love him!!! So, if you don't do those things, then you must have a BAD HEART.

    After raising six kids, three step, three mine, in the 'truth'. and having none of them stick. Now I am raising my two granddaughters....last Sunday my husband asked me to go to meetng, I said no (no surprise), and then he asked the three year old if she wanted to go, she said no (no surprise), then he asked her if she wanted to live forever in a paridise on earth....

    My husband has been gone for a week, fishing trip, no cells, no phone calls. During that week I made some decisions about the care of the graqndkids he didn't agree with. He told me he was glad he had Jehovah to help him deal with the pain I had caused him. Indeed, if it wasn't for Jehavah, he couldn't endure our marriage. Too bad I don't have Jehovah.....

    It has been so long since we were on the same page....I feel like I have to lay it out for him, I can't make my marriage work any other way.

    I think it might be too late.

  • nvrgnbk

    Run like hell sister!

    So very sorry for your situation.

    You shall prevail!

    You are unconditionally loved.

  • cyberguy


    Sorry to hear about your situation with your husband! Is he very active in the organization? Does he have a position? Yes, I believe you need to be frank with your husband about how you feel about the religion, but perhaps tempering your comments to indicate that going to meetings makes you depressed, or perhaps because there’s no real love there and so you have little desire to attend may be the wise thing to do. Depending on how you answer the questions I raised. I would be careful on getting into doctrinal issues, since it may cause more problems with your marriage then you may be prepared to handle at this time. I sure hope things work out for you!

    With kindly regards,


  • radioladie

    Dearest Wings:

    I truly understand how you feel. I too went through a similar situation, however, I was raising my own child, who at the time was 12 years old. I found my self fading as well. The problem for me was that not only was I what they called "spiritually sick" (I didn't feel that way)., but I was physically ill. The problem was, no one took notice of my physical illness which led me to mental illness. My husband, who was supposed to be my best friend, basically ignored my pain...all of my pain. He was more concerned about how HE was going to look in the congregations' eyes. Either way, with this being about you and not about me, I would like to tell you to remain true to yourself. I know you probably don't even know what that is yet, but as time goes on...you will. You will have to make a decision sooner or later. It doesn't mean that you have to end your marriage, however, it may mean that he will have to understand that you do not feel the same way that he does about going to the meetings etc. For many, it does mean the end of their marriage, so I would begin to mentally prepare yourself if I were you. It is very difficult to live with someone who is going to meetings and expecting you to go along with the status quo. It puts up a wall., the intimacy goes away and you become more like room mates. If that is something that you can put up with, then you have the option of talking to him and telling him that you just cannot attend meetings anymore, you are just not feeling the same way he does. No doubt, he will have questions for you...and you can either answer them, or just continue to repeat to him that that's your decision and you would appreciate it if he respected it, the same way you plan to respect him and him going to the meetings. As far as raising your grand child., if you are basically the main caretaker of the child and make most of the decisions about their care, then you should ask him to respect your wishes as far as talking with the child (That, I will tell you, will NOT happen, because he will find a way to talk with her without your knowledge). Your other option of course is to make plans to leave and take the child with you if you have full custody or guardianship. Either way, I understand that it will not be easy at first, but the main thing is your happiness. If you cannot be happy attending meetings, and you do not feel that this is something that you can do anymore, then communication always works best. Talk to him about it and see if you can come to a reasonably amicable agreement (even if it is to separate and/or divorce). The reason why we become stressed about these kinds of things is because, inside, we know that we really want to be "set free" but because there's a family member or others pulling at us, we sometimes fear hurting them, or causing a problem, so many just choose to suffer in silence. That would not be the best thing to do, you'll only be opening yourself up for a severe case of clinical depression. I chose to leave, and once I did....I never looked back.

    I hope all goes well for you Wings. Please feel free to write me at anytime if you need to talk...I'll be here for you.


    voicework "at" yahoo.com

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    Welcome to the board Wings and Radioladie. You two should be able to find lots of help on this board.

  • UnConfused

    Do keep in mind as you do this thing he's likely a decent guy trapped in a cult mentality. I hope he somehow joins you and you end up on the same page. No advice from me except to keep that possibility in mind.

  • sass_my_frass


    You want to stay married, but the freedom to not be a witness, right? Make it his problem to work out how you can stay married. You've changed so that you don't have what's to him the most important thing. He either accepts it and deals with his marriage in this new way, or your marriage ends. You are who you are, and at this point it is his responsibility to decide between adapting to that or divorce. I do of course have an extreme bias towards you and what you have faced, but then, you're the one asking for help. I think that you will find both relief and pain by putting this on the table, but I couldn't say what the proportions are.

    I hope that you get a lot more ideas and inputs besides mine!!

  • dawg


    It took me 17 years to make the strong stand I'm making today; the past 3 months, I've been writing letters to all my family members outlining the crazy shit the WT has done over the years, you know, the thousands of false predicitons and the building of mansions for returning prophets and the like. I asked them a few simple quesitons; number one, where in the Bible does it say that I can't question the authority of men? In View of the fact these men have committed so many foolish follies, how can they claim to have the spirit of God directing their work? Where is the proof that these guys have the spirit of God. Ask them to show you where the bible says questioning men and not living up to their dictates makes someone an apostate? My letters made some mad as hell, made some call me and say I was a hero for taking a stand; but it made every damn last one of them talk. I know it was the right thing to do.

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