The 1924 Edgar Pyramid Trilogy! Three books in one massive volume!
What does the front cover of this book look like? Click here: Information on the book entitled: The Great Pyramid: It's Symbolism, Science, and Prophecy by Morton Edgar. It is actually a hardcover edition of his paperback trilogy on the same subject. The titles of the trilogy are:The Great Pyramid--Its Spiritual Symbolism (137 pages)
The Great Pyramid--Its Scientific Features: 1914 A.D. and the Great Pyramid--Part 1 (217 pages)
The Great Pyramid--Its Time Features: 1914 A.D. and the Great Pyramid--Part II (180 pages)
These three were bound together and put in this one volume in hardcover. It was published in 1924 in Glasgow, Scotland.
Some background on Morton Edgar and his brother, John Edgar:
The Edgars were close friends of Russell and wrote many items which were circulated among the Bible Students of that era. Morton's brother John was even named in Russell's will as a possible member of the editorial committee for the Watch Tower magazine. (See the December 1, 1916 Watch Tower, Reprints p. 5999.) Interestingly, Frederick W. Franz, the fourth president of the Watchtower Society credits reading John Edgar's booklet Where are the Dead? as instrumental in helping him join the Bible Student movement. (May 1, 1987 Watchtower, p. 24).
The Edgars are best known for their 2 volume work Great Pyramid Passages. Volume One of Great Pyramid Passages was advertised for sale in the August 1, 1910 Watch Tower, Reprints, p. 4658 and could be ordered directly from the Society.Volume Two of Great Pyramid Passages was mentioned in the October 15, 1913 Watch Tower, page 306 (Reprints p. 5336) and could also be ordered directly from the Society:
Research by the Edgars was published in various Watchtower publications:
November 15, 1904 Watch Tower, Reprints, p. 3459
June 15, 1905 Watch Tower, Reprints, p. 3574
The June 1, 1910 Watch Tower, Reprints, p. 4621
August 15, 1923 Watch Tower, pp. 253-254
Edgar's works are also referred to in the December 31, 1924 Golden Age, pp. 209-211 and on pp. 163, 355, 357 of the 1923 Watch Tower.
Great Pyramid Passages is also recommended in The Finished Mystery, page 60:
These books are part of the literature which was produced in the second half of the 19th and the early part of the 20th century which sought to confirm biblical chronology with measurements inside the Great Pyramid of Egypt. This idea was accepted up until 1928 by those in association with "Judge"Rutherford and is still accepted by various Bible Student groups today.
This trilogy was written for two main reasons. 1) To present the information on the Great Pyramid in a less technical way than the massive Great Pyramid Passages volumes and 2) To counter those dissident Bible Students (primarily the Pastoral Bible Institute which was formed by the 4 ousted directors of the Watch Tower Society) who now disbelieved in the 606 BC to 1914 AD chronology. The Pastoral Bible Institute published The Herald of the Kingdom magazine which stated about 1922 that the 606 BC chronology was flawed and that the beginning of the Gentile Times should be moved up 20 years to match the generally accepted chronology of Jerusalem's destruction. That would make the end of the Gentile Times in 1934 instead of 1914. Morton Edgar wrote material for the Watch Tower magazine to defend Russell's chronology of 606 BC -1914 AD and then followed up with this volume (and some other materials not offered in this auction). So besides explaining pyramid symbolism Morton spends a lot of time defending the traditional Bible Student chronology. It is sometimes assumed that Morton Edgar at this time was not an associate of J.F. Rutherford, second president of the Watch Tower Society. At this time he was and the second volume even cites Rutherford's famous phrase: "While we believe weare right in maintaining that all the members of the Body of
Christ are not yet joined to their Head, Jesus Christ, in glory
as spirit beings, their activity as " feet " members in publishing
the glad tidings, in publishing salvation by proclaiming that
" Millions now living will never die," and in declaring that tlze
veign of Christ is now begun, can be said to have been legally
due since 1914 A.D." (Page 77)
"In accordance with this Scripturally-supported belief, the
Lord's diligent children, thc " children of the Kingdom," have
since 1914 A.D. proclaimed, and still continue to proclaim, that
" Millions now living will never die ! " They proclaim with no
uncertain voice that '"The Kingdom of Christ has now begun ! "
They proclaim that " The old world has ended ! " and that it
came to an end in Autumn of the year 1914 A.D." (Page 107)
Page 179 of the second 1914 volume gives a suggestion of one pyramid measurement suggesting that 1928 might see something interesting (this was written in 1924): "Taking account of the leap-years,
3488 days from 12th November 1918, end on 30th May 1928,
which must be close to Pentecost of that year.
If we continue the interpretation of the first low passage to
the second low passage, this second passage could be held to
represent the final trouble upon the world, and upon the Lord's
children (I Thess. 5 : 1-6)" (Page 179)
At that time Bible Students believed that Christ had become earth's King in the year 1878. 1928 would mark 50 years of his reign.Could the failure of anything happening in 1928 have contributed to Rutherford's discarding pyramidology later that year?
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