Did you ever bring "imaginary" greetings to your home congregation after going on vacation, so it would look like you went to the meetings while you were away?
I've never done this personally, but I've often wondered if others did.
by Frequent_Fader_Miles 5 Replies latest jw experiences
Did you ever bring "imaginary" greetings to your home congregation after going on vacation, so it would look like you went to the meetings while you were away?
I've never done this personally, but I've often wondered if others did.
AHHH I had totally forgot about this.
"The Bakalakadaka Congregation sends their love"
"Do we want to send our love in return?"
What tards.
LOL at RichieRich, so very true!
I never did that. But that would be funny if you just made it up to pretend you went to the meeting while you were Yellow Stone park.
I would never ruin my holidays by attending JW KHs and services so while on holidays I always avoided them it was enough having them through all the year. But I wouldn't bother with passing greetings on to them imaginary or real.
never thought about that. lol. funny idea. i think its hard in most cases. either you were in holiday alone or everyone with you need to support you lieing... dont think this happens often.