Has the recent upsurge in gasoline prices affected the Witnessing program of the Jehovah's Witnesses?
Witnessing with Gas Prices
by Honesty 8 Replies latest jw experiences
There is always phone witnessing with free long distance from AT&T.
we were just asking you and your neighbours - do you think the spike in gasoline prices isa sign that Armageddon is soon here - weel you can read all about it in out latest WT/Awake mags
Here is an example of where the Society is generous with its members' money and stingy with its own. They do not give a %^ that gas is hard to afford for the window washers and toilet scrubbers in the organization. Nor do they care that the 4-door "theocraptic" cars get poorer gas mileage than those 2-door "demon cars". Just keep spending. After all, it's for Jehovah!
No, they don't make any reasonability. They still expect people to get out there as much as, or more than, ever. After all, high gas prices are a sign that Armageddon is imminent, along with all the other signs they created last fall. So get out there, pay up on those gas prices, and do your service and don't complain about it! Never mind that gas prices were even worse, when adjusted for inflation, during the 1979-81 shortage plus they often had spot shortages. It is no worse now than it was in 1981, adjusted for inflation; yet they use it as a sign of Armageddon just ahead.
So, the people out in the misery are hit harder. In the city, they screech to one block and get out. Mostly walking from one door to the next until they run out of that block, then race to the next block. Calls scattered across town are more gas-intensive, so they will tend to cluster them. They do that anyway to save time and get the maximum calls in the minimum of time. I think there are going to be a lot fewer coffee breaks and long drives to calls, so service is going to be more walking and knocking and less driving. The air conditioners are going to be used less, and the rules about leaving the suit coat on no matter what the weather will make people all the hotter. But, they can always legislate how people are supposed to react to it, physically and behaviorally.
Out in the rural areas, gas prices are going to hit even harder. Out there, you might find one house and then drive half a mile or more (and sometimes much more) to find another. Walking in those territories wastes too much precious time, and since Armageddon is supposedly so close, we don't have time to worry about what the extra gas prices are going to do to us. And those are the ones that often must drive 30 or more miles one way to the Kingdumb Hell for the meetings, often in mountainous territory. Plus, to make a call, they will have to travel 30 miles or more to follow up on "interest". They are instructed that they have to do it, no matter what. Of course, using the phone may start those calls, and check to make sure they are going to be home, but sooner or later they are going to have to use that precious gas to regularly deliver the Craptower and Asleep magazines, that
WatchtowerBible Teach book, and theCult HandbookNew World Translation of the Holy Scriptures andScamReasoning book.And if you think it's bad here, just think of what they go through elsewhere. In Italy, the 200,000+ Witlesses pay up to $8 a gallon for service. As do they in Japan, London, and New Zealand. Worse, to make their 480,000 Bible studies in Nigeria, the 280,000 Witlesses often face total outages in gas at any price. So far, there haven't been any widespread spot outages and shortages in gas in the States, and gas prices are not approaching the $8 a gallon like in parts of Europe and Asia (the closest they came was in Atlanta after Katrina, where one station got busted for charging $6 a gallon). But the Tower doesn't give a %$*@ that the members have this hardship. After all, armageddon is so close...
This would be a good opportunity for new light on using bicycles to witness. This would show that the Society is serious about using resources wisely, and it would also help keep witnesses is good shape. People could get a mixed message when an obese Sister shows up at their door, might question that it is a defilement of the body.
This would be a good opportunity for new light on using bicycles to witness. This would show that the Society is serious about using resources wisely, and it would also help keep witnesses is good shape. People could get a mixed message when an obese Sister shows up at their door, might question that it is a defilement of the body.
Yes, it would be a good idea, for all the reasons you listed. It won't happen though,, the j-dubs don't want to be confused with the mormons. The j-dubs are god's chosen peopleā¢ whereas the mormons are a cult so they don't want any interfaith now do they? hehe. Welcome to JWD "kurtbethel" Enjoy your stay here. I look forward to more of your posts.
For those poor souls who get by on "a wing and a prayer," $4 gas would be quite disheartening. They are having a tough time as it is. One poor pioneer sister (literally) can't drive in service anymore. Someone else has to take the group now. She bought that little Toyota to just drive and drive without much repair cost...but filling it up has cost her already.
I still remember one morning of the many I have spent working with her in FS. She was just so overjoyed to quit her meager job because "the manager gave her a hard time about working only two hours a day."
A normal person would be at least concerned about having no job...of course, the Society does not encourage "normal" behavior...
Higher gas prices? They haven't affected my witnessing work.
Here's why the Witlesses will not take to riding bicycles in the ministry:
(1) They do not want to be confused with the Mormons, who already do use bicycles to push their doctrines.
(2) A bicycle can hold just so much literature. The trunk of a Theocraptic car can hold a whole day's supply at a time. A bicycle can hold only what will fit in a backpack or saddle bags. This means having to make extra trips to the Kingdumb Hells to refill. That steals from Jehovah the time necessary to make those trips.
(3) In hot weather, the brothers are still supposed to have that
sweatboxsuit coat on. Riding a bicycle would slow them down, plus they would get dirty faster.(4) It would limit what they can do in rainy or snowy weather. True, I have ridden my bicycle in the rain and snow. But you get dirty. Mud and salt slung up from the road would dirty that white dress shirt in seconds. Plus the chain would get your pant cuffs dirty--unless you have a garter or rubber band on that leg, which is not allowed in the Misery.
(5) Why waste the money on a bicycle when you can get a theocraptic car and haul 4 or 5 people around at a time? Also, solo riders would be tempted to make the extra trip to Best Buy and buy a headphones so they could listen to real music en route, or to the store (or home).
(6) If you think the Pioneer Drive is slow now, wait until you have the Pioneer Pedal! People can put the bicycle in the lowest gear and pedal real slowly, doing only 2 or 3 MPH. Obviously, if you should be doing 160 MPH and you are only doing 3, the Craptower Society calls that STEALING.
Besides, they don't care about the environment, wise use of resources, or the publishers' money.