Looking for quote,Millenial Dawn-The Time is at Hand

by Hellrider 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Hellrider

    Hi. I`m helping a friend translate a book (from Danish to English), and we desperately need help finding a quote from "Millenial Dawn 2-The Time is at Hand". The passage reads, in "Studies in the Scriptures", volume 2 ("The Time is at Hand"), chapter 5, last column, under the heading:

    "Connecting The Prophetic Chain

    In the preceding chapter we presented evidence showing that the "Times of the Gentiles," or their lease of dominion, will run fully out with the year A.D. 1914, and that at that time they will be overturned* and Christ's Kingdom fully established. That the Lord must be present, and set up his Kingdom, and exercise his great power so as to dash the nations to pieces as a potter's vessel, is then clearly fixed; for it is "in the days of these kings"--before their overthrow--i.e., before A.D. 1914--that the God of heaven shall set up his Kingdom. And IT shall break in pieces and consume all these. (Dan. 2:44) And in harmony with this, we see all about us evidence of the beginning of the smiting, shaking, and overturning of the present powers, preparatory to the establishment of the kingdom "which cannot be moved"--the strong government."

    ...the thing is, in the original text of Millenial Dawn, the passage is a little bit different, but it should be in the same chapter, under the same heading. When the WatchTower republished Millenial Dawn, under the new title "Studies in the Scriptures", they "tampered with the text", to rewrite the events of the fiasco of 1914 a bit...so the tampered-with text should read something like this:

    »In the preceding chapter we presented evidence showing that the “Times of the Gentiles,” or their lease of dominion, will run fully out with the year A.D. 1914, and that at that time they will all be overturned and Christ's Kingdom fully established. That the Lord must be present, and set up his Kingdom, and exercise his great power so as to dash the nations to pieces as a potter's vessel, before 1914 A.D., is then clearly fixed …« (Mill.D. 2, p. approx. 170, published 1894; italics by me).

    See? The fixed the 1914-thing...but I need the exact wording of the quote. If anyone can help...it would be greatly appreaciated!

  • Atlantis

    Millennial Dawn, The Time Is At Hand, 1902,-p.170

  • Hellrider

    Atlantis! Thanks !!!


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