katana vs .50 machine gun

by zagor 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • zagor
  • Satanus

    It split some bullets before it's demise. Cool.


  • jaguarbass

    I was looking for a motor cycle racing a bullet.

  • Anti-Christ

    I've always loved the Katana. Good stuff.

  • ninja

    smirk...I'm a ninja...what do you think I'd think?

  • JeffT

    I think some one has WAY too much time on his hands. And ammo.

  • zagor
    smirk...I'm a ninja...what do you think I'd think?

    LOL Ninja, I figured you'd like it :) here is something just for you Fearless: Jet-Li fights a Samurai

    I'm training both Wing Chun Kung Fu and Ninjutsu (which I came to believe is a perfect combination) and from time to time try to encourage folks on this board to try any martial arts but I don't think I've got much success there :) any suggestion?

  • Beta Male
    Beta Male

    lets see, soft lead versus hardened, folded steel at high speed... and everyone is suprised at the outcome?

  • zagor

    Hey Beta Male, I'm not so sure if .50 bullets are so soft but it is really irrelevant at the speed bullet is traveling at, the impact is still enormous. If it was that easy you could have put kitchen knife and have similar effect (or any other type of sward) but I somehow doubt they would stand a chance.

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