I'm interested in the statistics for the 2007 service year. I wonder how many of those Bible studies in Nigeria result in new publishers. I hope for sufficient negative growth in the US, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Japan, and Australia to offset the positive growth in African and the other South American countries. I'm sure they are doing their utmost to cross that 7 million barrier (they always do when they come within striking distance of a new million), and last year they had nearly 6.75 million as a peak. Boy, I hope they are slipping!
I also look forward to reading about the new rules once the 2008 Kool-Aid Craptower becomes reality. What are they going to ban to make the religion even more ridiculous? What are they going to do to make things even more miserable and difficult or require more placements and studies? Are they going to effect the ban on entertainment one part at a time, or in toto--or are they going to back down on it and only partially ban it after all? Are they going to disfellowship people for being inactive or for missing the Crapmorials? Is the Kool-Aid going to get passed instead of the spoiled grape juice? What new tricks do they have to inflate the publisher counts? These questions are yet to be answered, and only time will tell with certainty what actually happens. I hope for them to do something really really stupid and lose all their members in one shot.