like to make to your ex-witness friends and or family members. Sometimes I think I am becoming obsessive about it . I see former "friends" and JW relations everyday .We live in a community of 6,000 and there are six witness families on my street alone. If I bump into them at the store I know I make them uncomfortable ,but I always greet them with a smile and pleasant greeting ...they don't know what to make of it .
Today my sister-in-law was getting out of her car as I was passing so I pulled over to see how her mother is doing (just had an operation ). We have not talked in over a year . She came over to the car though and said "OH I was just thinking of you !..I really miss you " ....I said well feel free to stop by anytime ....... Now I wonder if her Elder hubsand and her will drop by during service so they can count the time ? .......... Now I keep running through my mind what things I will say to them if they do come by careful will I word things yet stay loyal to myself on what I now believe .
Do you do this too ?
So far the best response for me to the question 'Why did you stop going to meetings ?', has been "Because I was no longer happy "
After forty years something in my life was not right to always feel so guilty , and not good enough . I use to think it was because of being raised in a home with an alcoholic ......but now i
know it is because of constantly denying myself the right to think and follow my own conscience.
I found several similarities to being a witness and being raised with an alcoholic ,such as the overwhelming feeling of walking on egg shells so as not to upset anyone . Keeping many things quiet and not openly discussing issues . Feeling different from everyone else around you by that I mean not normal .
This is a long ramble I apologize just need to get some feelings out ...