I'm watching Knocking. Its disturbing. Its making me want to puke. I just heard, "Seth could decide to take a blood transfusion but we would still love him. He has a choice and he has chosen to take a stand." Anyone else finding it disturbing? Another thing was their speaking out against Hitler when we know that Rutherford tried to get on Hitler's good side when it all started.
Anyone else watching Knocking right now on PBS?
by reneeisorym 6 Replies latest jw friends
I liked the comment that 30,000 JW's are disfellowshipped and shunned each year because they don't want to live up to the standards of JW's.
Most of the JW's I know left on their own two feet and didn't let the door of the kingdom hall hit them in the rear because they found out the truth about the Watchtower Society.
MY commentary on 'KNOCKING":
The cult may attract some people to them with this piece of fluff but most in the U.S. already are aware how it operates and steer clear of it.
And here I see a liver transplant and the liver is in a bowl full of blood and the liver is all bloody .... but they do not take blood. ?!! My fiance noticed how much they are drinking. A lot of people in the South will find that immoral. I think I could have spent the hour doing something more productive.
mrs rocky2
is an understatement!
It would have been nice if they would have pointed out how the witness's have said its ok to have blood fractions, (parts of blood) and maybe they could have even showed how many people have died since the time they instituted this ban. Also, that the still existing "Bible Students" who are not Jehovah's Witness's are still active by the way, do not tell their member they can not take blood or do holidays, but rather let them exercise their own conscious in these matters, that is the way it should have stayed, but no the Pharaohs of the hierarchy of Jehovah's Witness's feel the great need to lord it over their members, truly Christ will make an accounting for all the stumbled ones and those who have suffered so greatly.
Just got through watching it here on the west coast. It certainly wasn't an objective film as the production was slanted in favor of the JWs. True they had the mother-in-law voice a few criticisms, but I didn't notice any ex-JWs being interviewed, nor were the victims of the Watchtower's pedophile policy allowed to speak. Shunning and other destructive aspects of the cult were downplayed. I thought the PBS series on the Mormons was more balanced. At least they allowed the critics of Mormonism to speak and showed the LDS involvement in the Meadows Mountain Massacre. Whereas, the Knocking documentary came across as just another Watchtower propaganda piece.
I wish someone would undertake making a balanced one.... It would be tricky to get the cooperation of the Watchtower society if it was more unbiased but I really wish it could be done in the future.