Screwed up families

by Irish Rose 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Irish Rose
    Irish Rose

    I was thinking about my relatives, both the JWs and those who never were. I grew up where my mom became one around 1974, my dad never did become one. I was quite young when mom became a JW, but there are things that I remember on what it was like before. Before I had a normal father daughter relationship. I remember dad would do things for me, like fix my broken toys, tell stories to me while I would sit on his lap. It was only after mom became a JW, did the abuse start for me. Dad hated the JWs back then, now he just tolorates them. It seemed to me that he was taking this out on me, because he was my abuser. I got it in all forms, from sexual, verbal, and physical. I'm really surprised that I managed to grow up with a sane mind. I was determined that I would be a much better parent to my own children, and I have.

    In 1975 and 1979 my two younger sisters born. But with them one is still a die hard JW to this day, and the other is not. She is really wacked if you know what I am trying to say. Both my sisters are nuts, big time. The middle one, who is a JW, drinks very heavily, so much, so that both her children were born with birth defects, the youngest is in a vegetation state. He is also deaf, and has trouble with seizures. The last time I saw my middle sister in person was 7 years ago. I just saw a recient photo of her at a wedding I could not believe I was looking at photo of her. She must have gained nearly close to 300 pounds in that time period. She had this look of total misery and saddness in her eyes. The man she is married to is my husband's brother. And he is a real horses a$$. His plans are to become an elder. I don't know if he is getting close to that goal or not. He wanted to go to college, which she worked 2 to 3 jobs so that he could. He promised her that after he completed college and found that perfect job, that he would help her so she would also beable to attend college also. Which she wanted to. He has since graduated after 4 years of college, and it did take him about 2 years to do so, he found that perfect job. But I just found out that she is still not attened college, she is still working at those jobs. For those of you wondering, he only married her for two reasons. The first was the type of car she was driving at the time, and second every woman that dated him saw through his bull, and dumped him. I tried to warn her, because I knew him 4 years before they were married, I knew his true colors. But she "Felt Sorry" for the guy.

    My other sister did leave the JWs, but she ended up becoming a whore and a thief. She did get married, but that guy is a real creep, and an abuser. I won't go into details, because I'm still really pissed off at her and her STUPID JERK OF A HUSBAND.

    Then I look at my my relatives who never were JWs, and they seem to have it together. My husband and I deal with them on a regular basis. I'm not saying that they don't have troubles, because every one does. But with them, they are there for each other, and they don't try to screw each other, unlike my JW relatives.

  • purplesofa

    Welcome to the Board



    I also live in AR, nice to see another Arkansan on the board.

  • delilah

    Welcome to the forum, Irishrose....I can relate somewhat to your non-jw family are pretty cool, as are my husband's Catholic family...I love them to bits.

  • Blueblades

    IrishRose, Thanks for sharing and welcome.It looks like you have been able to put the past behind you and move on. Enjoy your family, one day at a time.


  • ex-nj-jw

    Welcome to JWD Irish Rose!!


  • greendawn

    Welcome, even though the dubs claim that they help families to have good relations and life together they have no doubt brought serious dysfunction to thousands by their petty rules and tight control as they did in your case.

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