Can some one tell me Why people can get so invloved in religions, Like JW, that come so close to being a cult. That Now on is alowed to be themself's. From what I understand as an out side witness to this particular religion, is that no-one is really happy here. Is anyone really happie with this religion. Everyone that I have talked with absoluted hated all of the rules and when they finally get out of this religion they seem much happier. WHY is that?
What is it about cult religions?
by Mickey67214 1 Replies latest jw friends
People raised a certain way --for example, in homes where there is substance, physical, and emotional abuse--are predisposed to a cult-like atmosphere and oftentimes don't realize they are in one untill way past the "oops stage".
A cult could vary from an abusive parent to an abusive spouse to an abusive religious organization to an abusive government organization. It's just the size that's different. The effect is the same...learned helplessness.
The cure is the same I really believe cult education should be conducted at a much earlier age than is done now, since just like any other awareness, the earlier the age the better it sinks in.
just my 1/2 cent worth. much dung, so little time...