Anyone else see this in the Blood video?

by heretic 3 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • heretic

    Well after expressing my concern to family members about the blood issue ive received my copy of the Transfusion Alternatives 'Documentary series' dvd in the mail.

    About 10 mins into it i realise their catchcry of 'simple safe and effective' is what the doctors a refferring to ways to 'minimise blood loss' and lessen the need for transfusions, not that bloodless surgery period is 'simple safe and effective'.

    I think we'd all agree that blood has been overused around the world, and its has some complications, but its the best weve got and it SAVES LIVES.

    I mean all these doctors are talking about is ways to minimise the NEED for transfusions, and stating possible complications as a reason to use these blood loss minimisation tequniques.

    It was tough sitting through the whole thing.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    The JW "stand" (squat would be a better word) was blown out of the water when I found out the most orthodox Jews on Earth accept blood transfusions.

    One more chuckle-headed WT theory down the tuber......


  • OnTheWayOut

    An organization that sticks it's nose in every aspect of life might get some of it right
    some of the time. Blood may have been an easy available thing used instead of
    highly skilled surgery to minimize blood loss. That's because doctors had to learn
    the skills from the past when they had no choice but to replace blood as it was
    coming out. They used suction and tried to minimize blood loss, but really, they
    had not aquired the skills that are available today, or the machines that allow less
    invasive procedures.

    KNOCKING did bring out the "strange marriage" of JW's needing surgery and
    doctors wanting to advance their profession. Really though, they would have advanced
    without them, keeping the blood within an arm's reach and doing the procedures on
    others who wanted minimal blood loss and usage. That's much more logical than
    just insisting that the person die before blood transfusions, especially when that
    person is said to have made their own decision to abstain from blood, when all they
    can explain (I know, I was there) is a scripture in Acts says to continue the old

  • jwfacts

    Yes, there are situations where a transfusion can not be avoided if a person wants to live, attested to by virtually every report that I have ever read.


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