Why do loyal JWs take sight-seeing vacations? If they will live forever on a paradise earth, why do they spend time seeing the wonders of the world and the beauty of it all while on a vacation from their secular employment? They will have the rest of eternity to seek out the wonders of this world, will they not? Wouldn't this time be better spent in the service of their wonderful creator? Wouldn't daily ventures into field service be a more appropriate way to spend time off work considering they have "forever" to admire natures wonders? What about amusement parks? Ever seen a JW going on vacation to see man-made attractions? I have seen every elder and "Bethelite" I know take personal vacations. As a kid, on vacation with my elder dad, never once did we go to a "Kingdom Hall" while on vacation.....even when it was a 3 week excursion. Seems that they are forgoing the "meat" to satisfy personal desires.
Why do JWs take vacations....?
by SeymourButts 9 Replies latest jw friends
Well hopefully it's because they know it's just god damn important to take time out.
It's the same reason why they are boozehounds...to escape the sales meetings....
If they will live forever on a paradise earth, why do they spend time seeing the wonders of the world and the beauty of it all while on a vacation from their secular employment? They will have the rest of eternity to seek out the wonders of this world, will they not?
Will the wonders of the world still be there in the new system? I mean with all the fire and sulphar raining down from heaven and the general destruction at armaegeddon they're gonna be left with one hell of a mess to clean. Maybe they want to look at them now still intact so they can tell their children in the new system about the 'good old days' when the Sydney Harbour Bridge existed or before Mt Rushmore was destroyed, when Ayers Rock was still a rock and not one giant pile of rubble....
As a JW i always wanted to see things that were manmade like Washington D.C. but I wasn't as concerned with seeing beaches and mountains. Now that I'm not a JW -- I want to see nature. I enjoy the earth because I don't know that I'll get to enjoy it again.
Madame Quixote
Why do JWs take vacations....? -SeymourButts
Why, of course, to see more butts, Seymour.
horrible life
Wouldn't this time be better spent in the service of their wonderful creator? Wouldn't daily ventures into field service be a more appropriate way to spend time off work considering they have "forever" to admire natures wonders?
What a wonderful point, something I have never thought of. Jehovah is not going to fill up the Grand Canyon. It will be there for a long time, or until we need more space, for all of those baby-making JW's, that have nothing more to do, but spit out babies, year after year, and decade after decade.
Unless there has been new shite (light) on this then I would put it to the Brothers that the following counsel still applies:
Watchtower 1961 June 15th pages 368-374 Progreesing Towards Maturity
Another way to progress toward maturity is to develop a proper mental attitude. Paul had the right attitude as expressed at Philippians 3:14, 15: "I am pursuing down toward the goal for the prize of the calling above and which God extends in Christ Jesus. Let us, then, as many of us as are mature, be of this mental attitude; and if you are mentally inclined otherwise in any respect, God will reveal the above attitude to you."
Can you honestly say that you are pursuing the goal of everlasting life? Or are you pursuing the things of the old-world society? (1 John 2:16) What is your immediate goal? To buy a new automobile, or to buy out opportunities to serve Jehovah? (Eph. 5:16)
To spend money on an expensive vacation, seeing the sights of the dying old world, or to become a vacation pioneer, locating new friends, yes, everlasting acquaintances to join with you in the New World society? To retire and settle down in a place where there is a ratio of one witness of Jehovah to less than one thousand of the population, or to serve where the need for Kingdom witnesses is really great? If you are really pursuing everlasting life, then your record of field ministry should indicate that. Do you spend at least ten hours each month preaching and teaching the Bible truth to others? Can you imagine Paul being contented with less than ten hours a month even when he found it necessary to work full time making tents? What do you suppose he was doing on weekends, evenings? Studying God’s Word, doing God’s work, or attending a contest between the gladiators in the local coliseum, saying he had no time for the ministry?—Acts 18:3, 4.
I think that's fairly clear cut Brothers so no more vacations and no more retiring to nicer places.
This is happening more and more in the UK at least and this article from 1961 is one I'm going to bring up to my parents when I speak to them about why so many Brothers are retiring to warmer climates.
Thomas Covenant
As a kid, on vacation with my elder dad, never once did we go to a "Kingdom Hall" while on vacation
Now that's what I call a REAL vacation!!!!
All the JWs that I knew fell into two camps, those who were trying to escape the routine and those who wanted to "keep up with the Jones's". We took vacations so that we could visit our families who lived far away.