Hello. Mr.Flipper here. I talked to my pioneer daughter (20) about the molestation settlements last week. She didn't know of course, but said,"Dad it's just a way of Jehovah cleaning up the organization and refining it. Jehovah will make sure those people are dealt with that did these things." Yeah right.Talked to my mom yesterday (an elders wife since 1950's) she had not heard of the settlements. She's cool though, was concerned and wants me to send her the associated press release on it. But the point I'm making is none of the witness rank and file members know of this or very few. Therein lies the problem.That's how the governing body wants it as you all know. That way in 6 months they can print a Watchtower article on it and give everybody the interpretation of events as they want them to interpret it.The GB is already softening them up for this by printing brain dead WT articles like last Sunday's telling them to obey the elders, even if they aren't following the GB's advice and molesting kids and covering it over, just obey right? So I'm asking for all of us JWD members to get the word out please to rank and file members and everybody else, while it's still fresh. Before the GB can print articles telling the dubs how to view it.Lets not let the sun set on this issue. It will if we don't holler it from the rooftops. Mrs. Flipper and myself have left over a hundred flyers last 2 weeks on witness car windshields, grocery store car windshields, etc. I welcome any ideas you members have on what we can do. Please respond to this and let's work together to bring this very public. What ideas do you have ? Let me and all concerned know. I agree with Dawg and others, we have to expose this mind numbing cult. Thanks, Peace to you all.
Keep Exposing Molestation Coverup
by flipper 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Vernon Williams
Could you, please, post the flyer?
Hi, Vernon, I don't know how to post it on here, but what we did was print one of the AP articles off the thread by Dogpatch "Sixteen Child Sex Abuse Lawsuits......", on page 3 he's got a bunch of them. We printed 2 actually from newspapers in our area, then had a bunch of copies made. flipper
Madame Quixote
Here's another spot to blab about it:
I thought it would be good if some more people could comment there, since it doesn't look like there are very many posters at that spot.