The district conventions for '07 have commenced as of this weekend. Just wondering if anyone out there has any great stories to tell about it yet. Anyone know the new releases? Any funny/interesting stuff from the drama? This is my first time missing a convention, I don't want to go, but I still want to know the "highlights".
2007 diSTICT convention
by Shepherd Book 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
It's the same old submit to the "Faithful Slave" BS.
I hope that it started only for those in the South where school has already let out. I have seen one running during the week of June 16-18, in the North, and children were supposed to miss the last week of school. Tests and all. Don't those dumba*&es in Brooklyn realize that many school districts use those days for final exams? I wonder how many children are supposed to be at the a$$embly when there is a final exam in one or more subjects.
Shepherd Book
Highlander-Thanks for the link WTWizard-Yes, to my knowledge, the Conventions have begun only in the southern USA. A district convention was held this weekend at the Fort Lauderdale assembly hall in Florida.