WHY turn off antivirus SW - alert

by hamsterbait 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    I just got the newest WT CD rom.

    It says:

    Installation Instructions

    1: Close all other programs, INCLUDING ANTIVIRUS programs.

    I have installed a lot of software in my time yet I have never been told to do this one.

    Does the installation add unwanted code to other files without our knowledge which the AV would otherwise pick up?

    I wonder if this new edition has programs to send info via the www about the user - though this could be illegal in many countries, remember the WT is above all of Satan's laws.

    I wonder if further editions will add to existing hidden software?

    If you think this impossible, remember there are file sharing programs running on the net that can place shared files on your puter without your knowledge.

    Can any of the computer savvy instal this SW and then work out what changes have been made to your system that the AV would not permit.


  • Scully

    Maybe you could perform a check of the CD-ROM using your virus protection program to see what's in there that it doesn't like.

  • candidlynuts

    i've run across this when installing newer games on the computer so i dont think its exclusive to watchtower.

    i thought it was because most anti virus programs alert you when certain types of files are installing, dll files, sys files etc.

    you turn it off so you're able to install the program without 1000 alerts.

  • Euphemism

    This is (unfortunately) a very common instruction in software installations. If you haven't seen it before, you must not have been looking very closely.

    It's basically a lazy way for the sofware maker to avoid tech suport calls. Rather than test their installer with different antivirus programs, and figure out how to avoid/minimize problems, they just say 'turn the antivirus off.'

    But it's definitely not unique to the WT.

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