Anyone else get their bikes blessed?

by frozen one 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    I went to a bike blessing today. It started with a breakfast and then a ride to the church for the event. The church had a band playing and they were pretty good. The minister was wearing jeans, chaps, t-shirt, and a leather vest while giving the sermon. After the service the church fed everyone while a blues band played. Prayers were said for the bikes and the riders and we rode off. It wasn't a bad way to spend a Sunday. And the church service should hold me over until next year.


    Bikes lined up by church for three blocks. I'm guessing about 250 total.


    I wonder if the people living by the church found this to be annoying?


  • RichieRich

    At the tattoo shop i used to work at, we had a ton of bikers for christ come in.

    They all seemed to be really nice- surely breaking the biker stereotype.

    I have a pretty sweet sportster, a 94, which is awesome on gas, but I don't do many "biker" things.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    If you don't mind: what was the name and demonination of the church? Where?

    Ride safe,


  • onlycurious

    Hey, I went to a church like this once in Southern Cal. It was called Set Free Ministries and was made up of bikers and ex-gang members. It was soooo awesomely different than any church service I had been to. This was about 15 yrs ago. The streets were lined with bikes almost as far as the eye could see. The men in leather flagged the traffic. I showed up in my 'Sunday best' back in those days and was a bit surprised by what I saw. Guess what....they didn't treat me any differently even though I looked like a traditional church goin' "gotta put on my Sunday best" kinda gal.

    I wear jeans on kinda thing now.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Why couldn't you bless it yourself? I bless things myself all the time. Usually I'm gritting my teeth when I do it.

  • DocBob

    I'm a member of the Christian Motorcyclists Association and have been involved in several bike blessings over the past few years. All three pastors in the church I'm in ride and we have probably 25 or so riders. Many ride their bikes to church. We actually have several special motorcycle parking places in our parking lot.

    I live only about an hour from Laconia NH where they have Bike Week. CMA runs a coffee shop in the basement of the church that is only a block off the main strip. Its a good place for bikers to get out of the madness for a bit and enjoy a cup of coffee, water or lemonade and some cookies or brownies (baked by local churches). I noted the first year I went up there for Bike Week that there were 8 different motorcycle ministries there. I had a bit of fun with the online JWs I am in contact with by telling them that and telling them that there were 350,000 bikers up there in need of the good news and there was not a Watchtower in sight. So much for them being "the only ones preaching the good news". :wink:

    One of my favorite patches I see on motorcycle vests says "These ARE my church clothes".

    Doc Bob

    1994 Honda GL1500 Gold wing

    1998 Harley Road King

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Vernon - The church is called The Vineyards. I don't know the denomination but from what I gather it is a born again type church. Their flier about the bike blessing said, "We're much more about connecting with God than being religious." The church is in Duluth, MN.

    DocBob - I was in Laconia a couple of years ago. Had a blast. Fun riding out in New Hampshire. The CMA has a similar set up at Sturgis. Besides providing a quiet place with some drinks and snacks, I think the CMA also helps people (mostly women) who have been abandoned at the rally by purchasing bus tickets home for them. I've seen the CMA at many biker events both large and small. They do really good work.

  • onlycurious

    The Vineyard is a non-denomination church. They are charismatic, meaning they believe in the gifts of the Spirit. They are a break-off of Calvary Chapels and vary from church to church. Some of them can be pretty far out there and might make some of us more conservative people a little uncomfortable. Others are just fine.


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